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Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European geyseks

Posted: | Last Online:


Im looking for a team to play roamer or possibly pocket

Im 20 years old and speak swedish english and some finnish

Ive played about 250 lobbies and have 1380hours on tf2 but Ive never been in a tf2 6s team before

However I have competitive experience from cod4promod and counterstrike so the whole being in a team situation isn't new to me

So feel free to add me on steam if you wanna talk or trial me C: (Im usually tagged up as oskar btw)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:65866714 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Flying Gummi Bears [6v6] START9
Joined Flying Gummi Bears [6v6] START9
Joined Flying Gummi Bears [6v6 Fun Team] .kr4tos
Left Kuusi Krew [6v6] geyseks
Left Dingus Party [Highlander] geyseks
Joined Kuusi Krew [6v6] thespeenorism
Joined Dingus Party [Highlander] Dowel

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View Div 6 1 244

One Comment

  1. Dowel: ORACLE - COGU said:

    Good Soldier, could handle div 6 6s as Roamer or Pocket. Although I’d say he would be better at roamer. He can handle both however.