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HeavyMedicSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

Germany Gentlemen

Posted by =M$= Mehrtelb: | Last Online:

Hi, we're a german team, although everyone speaks english and we have some english native speakers here
so don't hesitate to ask anything right away^^
We are searching for subs for the following:Medic, Soldier Spy and Heavy. (Heavys and Sollys are badly needed^^)

Add me or write a comment (adding is usually being responded faster to) if you are up for trial
Thx for reading this, maybe you will be a Gentleman after this^^

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  1. qsko190 said:

    Can you please add me to the team, however this works? I have been playing TF2 since a year now and I main Spy. Other classes I play are Sniper and Medic. 

  2. Mullach said:

    Hello Gentlemen, I’m a Spy main from Ireland. I have about 250 hours of actual in game time, not steam time :D. I have 125 hours on spy. Here’s the thing… I have no experience when it comes to actual Comp leagues, although I do have about 40 lobbies on TF2.Center. I only made this account recently so I don’t really know how this works, I’ll leave a link to my TFC account, so you can look at logs and my profile if you want to.

  3. mithrandir said:

    Added you :D

  4. Cheddar Biscuits said:

    Le Medic main from Americaland. Saw that you were looking for a Medic sub. I’m in a point again where I’m available to play during the day during my time, and would very much like to try out. I’m east coast and ping isn’t an issue for me. I’ve played on plenty of European servers before with hardly ever experiencing a noticible issue. Moscow servers are probably the furthest I can go without running into problems. Anyways, I’m pretty established as a Medic main. I have almost 600 hours on the class. Added you to discuss further.

  5. ar7: Primes said:

    Hello! I’ve been playing TF2 on and off for the past few years, and have started taking it more seriously in the past months. I have never played competitive though, and would really like to!

    I main soldier, I am 18 years old and can also speak German. (In September I’m moving to Munich!)