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Hello I'm Medic looking for team for etf2l s11
-Fluent English
-Div 5/4
-Can play Sun-Friday from 4pm to 1am CET (until exams:D)
-Best Medic hat and miscs combination:)
-Active team (I want to play a lot of pcw and endlessly polish our tactics)
-div 5 or 4
-i dont care if rage or no rage team:)
Contact me in steam
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:84155868Team History
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Left | Vaizādo [Highlander] | Tercio | |
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Left | ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] | nyx | |
Joined | ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] | General | |
Joined | Team Paradise [Highlander] | General | |
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Joined | Pinnacle [6v6] | General | |
Left | Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] | General | |
Left | 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] | General | |
Joined | Aftershock Gaming - About 20% cooler [6v6] | General | |
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Joined | 2rus1svetlana [Highlander] | General | |
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Left | meeh bleeh pffffff [6v6] | General | |
Joined | meeh bleeh pffffff [6v6] | General | |
Left | Bleh [6v6] | sloldier | |
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Joined | SkillPoint HL [Highlander] | General |
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View | Div 5/Div 6 | 3 | 155 |
5/4 div and you never play in good 6 div team
you should lf 6/5
Good Luck :)
d5 ez for him
i think you should look team in mid 6 div. you’re good , but not for 4/5 div.
Good Luck.
History sound like div 6
hes decent, can handle div 4 easily if he plays some mixes as soll / demo, because he only lacks good dmg output calculating. Can count ubers perfectly and look for spawners/ninjas, just needs to learn how to maincall.
Give the guy a chance i say, if ur div 4 u will have to carry him a bit, but he learns quickly and is really willing to get good asap.
Znajdz i wygraj div6 najpierw. widzisz szymciu po dwoch latach grania wkoncu wygral div6 kozak nie? moze i ty kiedys bedziesz slawny jak szymciu.