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MedicScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

International actual gamers

Posted by ruben: | Last Online:

We are looking for anyone to play with us, no matter the skill level!

Currently looking for:
-1 Scout
-2 Soldiers
-1 Medic (although this is negotiable)

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  1. Aykore: Ballin said:

    Hi I’m a scout main however I can play medic if needed. I’m also new to comp

  2. ΣlιxιR said:

    scout main looking to improve

  3. Moose said:

    Hey, I main Medic, but I could play engi

  4. sunflower said:

    hmu scout would prefer flank scout

  5. Pearlexus said:

    I’m a good medic main! Add me on discord: Nexus_Heathens#1091

  6. scary said:

    i’m down to play solly or scout
    discord: scary#3264

  7. rotzZ: BtSLhl said:

    I’m down for scout (mostly playing flank scout, but can also play pocket if needed), I’m new to comp and I’m looking to improve my game abilities and comms.

    Discord: rotzZ#1034

  8. nomi said:

    Im up to occupy scout (main) but Im also open for pocket / roamer soldier if needed.

  9. Sherlock said:

    heya, i’m a medic main with 150+ hours, i already play hl as medic and i’m new to 6s medic, im trying to improve for 6s and ill try my best.
    i can only play on thursdays fridays and saturdays.

    add me on discord: sherlock#8533
    steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198802967796/

  10. monster said:

    im able to play as any of the classes, new to comp just tryna find a team.
    steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/monstercover/

  11. brokencarwheel: WEBACK said:

    New to the comp scene, but I’m proficient in Medic and Scout. I’m a dedicated player and free most days of the week.
    My discord is brokencarwheel#1301 or alternatively add me on steam!

  12. ronnie: SH - HV said:

    add me on discord i can any ronnieh#9480

  13. tony said:

    can play scout

  14. tony said:

    about my last replay can play scout pocket or flank my dis Tony_Montana83#3189

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