ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyPyroScoutSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

European Game of Throws

Posted by .strix: | Last Online:

yo new team looking to have a chill open season maybe not reaching playoffs unless we have the players to do so

we need all main classes except for sniper and med

+1 if you can maincall because i really don't wanna do it

hmu if interested

(btw we're not gonna scrim a lot during the 6s season maybe like once or twice if possible)

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  1. khamba said:

    ci sono

  2. :) said:

    i can play engineer

  3. HGM said:

    Hey! I am a spy main with 750 hours on tf2 and 130+ hours on spy and my second played class is pyro with like 60 hours. I can play spy and pyro but preferably pyro. Never did comp thats why i go open

  4. Vecter said:

    Hello i have 197 hours on tf2 and I would like to play competitive. My best classes I would say is soldier demo and scout. I really would like to join a team :)

  5. ddf: ceo said:

    ci sono

  6. Balint said:

    I can play scout/heavy

  7. Snitt said:

    Hello, I would like to join your team, I can play spy or demo if needed.
    I have 2,400hours in TF2, played 2 seasons of UGC silver and platinum.
    I have 450+hours on spy
    100+hours on demo.
    If you consider choosing me here is the link —-> https://steamcommunity.com/id/brightsideoflife/

  8. Skrewex said:

    Engi main here w/ +1500h looking to join your team