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Medic  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Russia Galant

Posted: | Last Online:

Since my team has folded, I'm looking for a new team as medic or I will be fine with backup medic position.

I'm tired of being team leader, so principally I would like to join some Prem/div1/div2 team as main or backup medic and just PLAY. Without main calling you and sorting out your gameplay and problems (though of course I am ready to watch STV demo with all teammates and so on if you will ask).

Add me via Steam or find me on #tf2.ru @ Qnet.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:22808991 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined candy sticks [6v6] Meaff
Left International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Galant
Joined Autism eSports [Highlander] Meaff
Left Ki11ERS.PRO [Highlander] Galant
Joined International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Recluse
Left candy sticks [6v6] Galant
Left Russia [National 6v6 Team] ShaDowBurn
Joined candy sticks [6v6] eCube^3
Left International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Galant
Left Russia [National Highlander Team] irfx
Joined International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Sonny Black
Left HoverCrabs [6v6] Galant
Joined HoverCrabs [6v6] Galant
Left HoverCrabs [6v6] D1ego$
Joined HoverCrabs [6v6] Galant
Left eХe [6v6] Galant
Joined eХe [6v6] Galant
Left International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Galant
Joined Ki11ERS.PRO [Highlander] Galant
Left pixling.ru Green [Highlander] Galant
Joined pixling.ru Green [Highlander] Galant
Left pixling.ru Starlight [Highlander] Galant
Joined Russia [National Highlander Team] Galant
Joined Russia [National 6v6 Team] Galant
Joined pixling.ru Starlight [Highlander] Galant
Left We Have Amazing Tactic? [Highlander] Galant
Joined International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Galant
Left Russkies [6v6] Galant
Joined Russkies [6v6] ups
Left International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Galant
Joined We Have Amazing Tactic? [Highlander] Galant
Joined International Secret Intelligence Servic [6v6] Galant
Left LOL Team [6v6] Galant
Joined LOL Team [6v6] Supreme Being
Left LOL Team remix [6v6] Galant
Joined LOL Team remix [6v6] Galant
Left Death Adder [6v6] Galant
Joined Death Adder [6v6] Galant
Left flashpoint [6v6] Galant
Joined Decadence [6v6 Fun Team] Galant
Joined flashpoint [6v6] Galant

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 1 0 262


  1. HYS: TLR said:

    Sad to see ISIS fold. Galant is a really nice guy and a solid med, gl mate.

  2. Quik: vs - Fe | said:

    Galant has huge experience as medic. He played in almost every season and every division. He is a nice guy, doing alot for the russian community.

  3. Empty said:

    gl galant!

  4. ReveraL said:

    Great medic and friend GL :]

  5. Loco: Mayo said:

    gluck galant top guy solid medic :)

  6. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Good luck!

  7. sammie said:


  8. Messiah said:


  9. Galant: candy - Autism said:

    Up Up Upki!

  10. Ace said:

    There’s no doubt that he’s one of the top medics in Europe, too bad about ISIS, best of luck!

  11. Caeli: #T4F said:

    Don’t know him personally, but this guy has a done a lot of effort for TF2.
    He has given so much opportunities to lower skilled players, so I can imagine he’s a very nice persons.
    He also helps a lot with his YouTube channel, VOD’s are really interesting :) and of the best medics of Europe!
    Good luck!

  12. fl1p said:

    you friend list is full