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DemomanEngineerHeavy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European Funera

Posted by Zevul: | Last Online:

We're starting up a Div 6 Highlander team! We try to be active and play, but don't expect daily plays! :) And we're currently looking some subs!

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  1. Robin Hood said:

    I could go either class, prefer scout. I’m new to competative mode allthough got over 900 hours.


    I can play. I would prefer backup but I can play heavy. among other classes

  3. EDAS Honey Badger said:

    I can play, I have experiance of 6v6

  4. Zevul said:

    Bump! Still looking for subs.

  5. cheaterbd said:

    I can be an engineer if you want

  6. Zevul said:

    That would be great, can you add me?

  7. phoenixlrd said:

    Do you still need a heavy?

  8. JJWasyl said:

    Hey, I’m a sniper with ~540 hrs of gameplay in tf2. I would love to go competetive with you.

  9. Conker said:

    i can play Medic & Sniper

  10. ReadMe said:

    I can sub pretty much anything except sniper, spy and engi.

  11. flippyjoe said:

    Hey there, me and two of my friends would like to apply.
    I play scout, my friend RoCToRN plays soldier and my other friend Cyborg Sheep plays medic
    Add me :)

  12. Pipe: TTM said:

    I can play Engi / Sniper / Medic!

  13. EXIT121 said:

    i can be sube to scout :3