ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicPyroSoldier  Low/Open Skill, 6v6

Russia Frog'n'Roll

Posted by SanyGame: | Last Online:

We are willing to learn to play competetive

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  1. Bakser Swagger: FGM said:

    New to competitive. 1000h of experience total, can try sub scout (100h) or sub medic (50h). Willing to learn and play.

    My steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198199774646/

  2. mayo: SAUNA - UGC said:

    medic looking for trial for a main spot

  3. devastation: FnR said:

    hi. I can play as every class so i want to increase my skill and try out comp

  4. . said:

    Can trial demo or sol pocket

  5. Butterglue said:

    hey I would like to play roamer soldier!

  6. Butterglue said:

    my steam profile : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198852735287/

  7. Sherlock said:

    heya, I’m a medic main with 150+ hours. I have previous highlander comp experience from season 22 open (as a medic), but no 6s expeience. i’m willing to learn and play.
    I speak English fluently and I do have maincalling capabilities.

    discord: sherlock#8533
    steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/flaresxsherlock/

  8. calm said:

    hello there. Im not maining anyone specifically, can play every class. 70 hours on pyro, and trying to be good at it, will play pyro for the most part. have 2300hr in total. online almost everyday.Have some bad sides, will get to them later.

    Discord: vigil.jpeg#0007
    look at my profile for steam

  9. Barkhan said:

    Дарова, пацаны. Медик мейн 1к+ часов. Как с вами связаться?

  10. Doze said:

    Хай, я демомейн с 1,8к часов в тф, фрешмит в етф. Готов влиться в ваши ряды.

  11. MGE DEN4IK: Второй said:

    Хай, я демомейн с 1,8к часов в тф, фрешмит в етф. Готов влиться в ваши ряды.

  12. PANCAKE: TG said:

    Соллимейн, 3к часов в тф, готов потеть:з

  13. MagMes said:

    Медик, опен, 1300+ часов, готов потеть.
    40 каток на центре.

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