ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European +forward

Posted by Dingo: | Last Online:

Changes have been made in +forward and we are now looking for new players.
To complete our roster we need a scout and a roamer.

After a good season in div5 we now aim to do well in div4. We practise most days of the week, if you could play 5 days a week from 20.30 to 22.30 cet it would be perfect. As a team we don't mind reviewing stvs, workings on strats, go through maps and discuss about our games, and we are looking for players with the same attitude.

Add me, Dingo, on steam for further informations and/or trials.

EDIT: I've got many trialists at the moment, don't add me.

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  1. Glitch said:

    Good Team , gonna own div 4 .

  2. Leif said:

    Add me

  3. DL said:

    added you

  4. DL said:

    cmon add me :D Im here for the soldier spot

  5. Tiky said:


    I am really interessed about your team , this is what i am searching so i hope we can find a day to trial .

  6. guapdaddy4000: tB TJ said:

    Belgian flag????????????? what is this?