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DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Denmark FluffY ZeuZ

Posted: | Last Online:

Location: Denmark
Age: 27
Playing every class really, some better than other. Scout is div 4 skill, or just there about, Solly/Demo is slightly lower, so a div 5/6 team is more apreciated for those trials.
Desperat for a team for the upcoming season 10, Wireplay is not a must but a huge plus.
Availible nearly every night, got a bit of football some tuesdays and work on mondays, but not home all to late, so shouldn't be an issue. :)

Hit me up on steam for a quick chat. Cya around..!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:40373307 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Baenana [6v6] Teriyaki
Left ~Placeholder~ [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined ~Placeholder~ [6v6] iChilled
Left Sturminators [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined Sturminators [6v6] Steve
Left T-A!: Get Ready To Die [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined T-A!: Get Ready To Die [6v6] TSM
Left xoxo highlander [Highlander] FluffY ZeuZ
Left nervousENERGY Black [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined nervousENERGY Black [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Left Skrald eSports [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined xoxo highlander [Highlander] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Left No Talent [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined No Talent [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Left Team Colonslash [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined Team Colonslash [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Left neXt [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined neXt [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Left Actility [6v6] Beater
Joined Actility [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Left eXhale Powered by Warzone.nu [6v6] ozonE
Joined eXhale Powered by Warzone.nu [6v6] ozonE
Left The Omega [6v6] Cloud
Joined The Omega [6v6] Cloud
Left Force-powered Strangers [6v6] L!nc0ln
Joined Force-powered Strangers [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Open/Mid 7 327
View Div 4/Div 5 5 334
View Div 5/Div 6 15 504
View Div 4/Div 5 9 481
View Div 4/Div 5 14 569
View Low+ 19 677


  1. TURb0: Velox. - TSPAG said:

    nice guy can ez play div4 scout when he isnt lagging :P.
    i love cats :(

  2. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    Excellent scout, very dedicated to the game and knows his stuff. He’s also a really nice guy out of game. Just needs to stop little things angering him and stop the hackusations a bit and he’ll be on the road to the high divs. GL, buddy! :)

  3. insanity said:

    Nice and calm guy from what i remember, can prolly handle div4 well.

  4. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    No more adds for trials atm please. Fully booked. :)

  5. atomic said:

    very good scout, div4 for sure ;]

  6. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    Bumpetity Bump..!

  7. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    Bumpetity Bump..!

  8. Coco: [d¿s] said:

    Good scout and good guy, I hope he gets picked up before s10 starts, pretty sure he can actually handle d3 as scout with the right team. Good luck :)

  9. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    Need a team pretty please?

  10. FluffY ZeuZ said:


  11. Doog said:

    A nice friendly guy who definately got the potential to play in div 4.

    Also he is danish, so i shouldnt need to explain myself further.

    Held og lykke :)

  12. PureX: U-D-D said:

    Danish warrior! Fluffy as solly equals, Chuck Noris playing TF2!

    Held og Lykke m8 :D

  13. Nagash: [CiC] - CiC said:

    What Doog forgot to mention is that we’re looking for a scout, it’s Div5 but if your interested, add me and we’ll discuss things

  14. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Lovely scout and guy.

    gl fluffy <3