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DemomanHeavyScout  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Fluff

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to Main or Sub this UGC/Etf2l season! Probably prefer sub at the moment.

Current team looks like it's going to disband looking to Main or Sub Demo for Plat team or just roster ride :D I would also be willing to play heavy (Bigplays_Barbara).. I'd like to give scout a go but Div3/4 played mixes/merced scout at this level too.
R.I.P Cashiers and all the Autism we had ;___;
I can play demo I swear! DON'T LISTEN TO BILLY!

I'd rather not trial until the 13th of Jan since my uni internet is more playable than at home

Add me I am a qt.3.14 girl gamer <33333

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:63673156 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left open_squad [Highlander] Zamparonie
Joined open_squad [Highlander] b_fisch
Left The Pack [6v6] Fluff
Left The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Joined The Pack [6v6] b_fisch
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Epsilon WiiSports [6v6] Fluff
Joined Epsilon WiiSports [6v6] Gigi
Left Billy's Bandits [6v6] Fluff
Left Zimbabwe [National 6v6 Team] Fluff
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Mad? [Highlander] Akwilon
Joined Billy's Bandits [6v6] Billy
Joined Zimbabwe [National 6v6 Team] Gigi
Left Dank Dugongs [6v6] Spade
Joined Dank Dugongs [6v6] Spade
Joined 9 Memes In Jeans [6v6 Fun Team] Spade
Left Synthesis eSports [6v6] Fluff
Joined Synthesis eSports [6v6] ZERK
Left Shrekexual Ogrelords [6v6] Fluff
Joined Shrekexual Ogrelords [6v6] Patty
Left Shake Hands With Beef [6v6] Fluff
Joined Mad? [Highlander] Billy
Left Bass in the Place [Highlander] Fluff
Joined Shake Hands With Beef [6v6] Waifu
Left Waifu's Angels [6v6] Fluff
Joined Waifu's Angels [6v6] Fluff
Left Pleb [6v6] Fluff
Joined Pleb [6v6] Fluff
Joined Bass in the Place [Highlander] Fluff

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Prem 13 627
View High/Prem 11 456
View Mid/High 20 654
View Open/Mid 10 459
View Open/Mid 9 605
View Div 1/Div 2 12 459
View Div 1/Div 2 11 252
View Div 2/Div 3 15 590
View Div 6 7 517
View Div 5/Div 6 6 218
View Div 6 7 407


  1. JoeTea said:

    King of overextending and going on his own little adventures but GOD DAMNIT is he CUTE!

  2. b_fisch: Muss Los said:

    Kawaii AF

  3. Leagle_: + - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Nice guy and good demo

  4. Billy: xD said:

    Carried the autism train (Cashiers), good gamer apart from when he rages about me ruining his internet

  5. Red_Revoluti0n: _Revoluti0n - Revoluti0n said:

    good demo, big barbara

  6. Fluff said:

    Bamp \O/

  7. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    King Aspergers of Stickyland has arrived

    good pickup for any div 2 team i’d say

  8. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    Big pleb. Offered him a sub demo spot 2-3 weeks ago. He denied because he wants to stay with cashiers. xd

    You see what happens m8. Next time listen to the weeblord.

  9. Fluff said:

    Y-Yes Sir.

  10. Waifu said:

    Daaaaannyy Brrrrrrroooooooown

  11. Nik: MEGA$$ said:

    you better have a medic with strong nerves because he’ll annoy him

    he’s a good demo though, no denying that
    also it’s fluff so honestly can’t say more

  12. TheShowerFairy: MERKEL said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3miUNC8tQzo this i fluff in lobbies. :3 omnom

  13. Fluff said:

    updated :3

  14. EksDi said:

    He can hit the AIR PIPES. Also massive lobby superstar heavy, would recommend

  15. RedSpark: $$$ - $$ said:

    Bigplays_Barbara brings the biggest of plays 10/10

  16. TheShowerFairy: MERKEL said:

    Hello Cutie,
    How are you doing? Hope u doing Great. Well, Impressing is what i describe your captivating profile as a near perfect description of what i desire in a woman, even your picture goes a long way in describing the quintessential underlying beauty any man would seek for in a woman ..I would like to know u better and be good friends.

    Is also gud at demo!

  17. Red_Revoluti0n: _Revoluti0n - Revoluti0n said:

    what this grl said

  18. Billy: xD said:

    He can also play sniper in Div 6

  19. Akwilon: ; said:

    Great demo :3

  20. Yggdrasil: Fe | said:

    div 1/2 ???????
    since when?

  21. Fluff said:

    Since I slapped ur little pyro booty when we beat RS 8)))

  22. yucca: kz said:

    Calm and nice guy,u won’t regret.

  23. Fluff said:

    boomp >w<