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Scout  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Sweden Five ants are more than four elephants!

Posted by trams: | Last Online:

Söker en svensk scout, du måste vara taktisk och kunna leda ett scoutpar.

Du: Ingen rage, trevlig på mumble.

Vi: Div4, wacked.

Kontakta tramsig på steam.

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  1. Alba: duplo said:


  2. Switchan: duplo said:

    Got previous div 4 experience and okay aim looking for div 4 och är svensk :).

  3. rts: PrettyGay said:

    switchan isnt div4 tho :(

  4. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Funny cuz rts.

  5. Golden said:

    Switchan isnt 4, he is 3:)

  6. rts: PrettyGay said:

    nope, he’s 5

  7. tweek\: ez-sports.ru said:


  8. Vanilla_Mi: F! said:

    Ha så kul

  9. Alba: duplo said:

    yeah yeah whatever rts

  10. ~pHifel said:

    mad rts? switchan is a good scout tend to overextend though

  11. tramsig: -><- said:

    Dont care if they are div3/4/5/6, as long as they fit in the team.

  12. Golden said:

    Tweek, dont understand are u trolling or just stupid to understand, that i am not div2 ffs…

  13. Wacked said:

    I believe we do still have this spot open for trial, I don’t think contacting Tramsig does any harm if not =)

  14. Loch said:

    div4 thanks to Herr_P who left. Wondering if they can handle div4 without him ;)

  15. Loch said:

    gl anyway still :D

  16. Herr_Pyromatic: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Can grow into a top div 4 with the right scout and motivation. People be beasts and good friends.

    Good luck =) (I’ll still hug u @ og-lan)

    Also: Wacked prem at singing.

  17. tramsig: -><- said:

    Loch is butthurt because his team got raped in S11 ;)

    Maybe we were div4 because of him, but he is surely div2/3 because of us.

  18. Loch said:

    well see who gets raped in s12 ;)
    as i can see you did your research, you can see i didnt even finished the season, for some reasons ;)

  19. atmo said:

    jag ar inte svensk :(

  20. FIR: SnG said:

    get Switchan! :D

  21. tramsig: -><- said:

    Loch: Maybe we are getting raped in S12, but elephantz are still a team, created by me from scratch, the only 3 who had previous expirience was me as medic(all seasons in ETF2L), wacked and HerrP had played 1 season in div6.
    In a couple of months we were div5, 2nd season we won div5, because of a lot of player drops, mostly irl reasons, we have struggled a lot but still exists.
    For me that means a lot more than being a wtj like you.

  22. Speedfreak said:

    i like these guys :D wacked is a nice lad :D and they’re funny to mixx with (at some occasions they thought i was a div 4 scout, wtf’s up with that xD) i’ve not heard them rage, people usually rage on me :>

  23. atmo said:

    jag vill spela tf2

  24. tramsig: -><- said:

    Still searching, contact me on steam.

  25. Jonis said:

    Är en scout som inte kan så mycket om competetive har lirat lobby osv, men vill komma in i competetive. Om ni är intresserade kontakta mig, jag lär mig också jävligt snabbt!