
Posted by Ramown: | Last Online:
Need Scout and Demo now, Kos is medding
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hey ramown, what does FG stand for?
Fuck Grandma, obviously.
Noticed ramown liked catz, team must be good when completed
You do know you are from Africa right ?
Nothing personal against you, but you are expressing the same racism against other nations as people did against your ancestors. I will just quoute wikipedia for this : ,,The treatment of slaves varied widely depending on conditions, times and places. Treatment was generally characterized by brutality, degradation, and inhumanity. Whippings, executions, and rapes were commonplace.” I thought we were behind that, but since you want to live with the thoughts of superiority , i’ll just remind you that your ancestors used to be treated like animals by the same people you call thirdies. So enjoy your holidays and have a nice life!
P.S: I’m posting this for the sole reason i feel offended by the contents of this thread.
Thirdar status: Thirdie Spotted [X] Thirdie Not Spotted [ ]
yeah ramown, fucking racist.
Koeitje – I have nothing personal against you, but the fact that you are spending most of your life, lurking around a video game forum, waiting for the opportunity to imply that you are superior to someone, being it at your social status or your video game skills is pretty sad. I can’t see why you can think you are better than someone, when I probably made more money selling virtual items than you made in your “competitive” career (oh thats right you were never even close to the top). So i suggest that you take this negativism and go outside, meet some people, or just spend a nice holiday with your family.
i think we have a new pennyfarming around
i smell madness… I LIKE MADNESS
i liked that part on koeitje. do you take requests?
if so do pennyfarming next please
Shit guys, I’ve a career??!
Ramown don’t play with any old crackas.
heard gubbins was looking, he won the div1 playoffs!