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DemomanScout  Open Skill, 6v6

France Sacreblu

Posted by Cuby: | Last Online:

Frenchy fag.
Want to play in fresh meat.
And can also speak english.

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  1. Goliac said:

    I would want to play in this team.

    But I don’t know French :\

  2. Cuby: /ff said:

    U just need to know 2 words : Baguette and fromage.;)

  3. Wylenn: ︻芫═一☺ - LMS said:

    dude you shouldn’t do a team just in french, you’ll never find all the players.
    myself i speak french, but i don’t think it’d be wise to be just between french-speaking people in a comp envrionment.

  4. 30.06: RATS said:

    Y’a bien une équipe française en premiership

  5. Wylenn: ︻芫═一☺ - LMS said:

    i’m saying french team, but french speaking team, there’s a difference.
    I mean yeah sure you could probably find people, it’s just gonna be harder (and you won’t be able to join other teams later on)

  6. Wylenn: ︻芫═一☺ - LMS said:

    *i’m not saying (sorry i just woke up ;) )

  7. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    Si si y a largement assez de joueurs pas d’inquiétude ^^

  8. 30.06: RATS said:

    bah leur équipe parle français

  9. 30.06: RATS said:

    y’a la blinde d’équipes françaises grâce à TF2Connexion en partie

  10. Wylenn: ︻芫═一☺ - LMS said:

    I just find it sad to stay locked up in one small world :/
    but hey its everyone’s choice I guess

  11. Cuby: /ff said:

    Wyddeagle, pour les joueurs y’a pas de soucis j’ai même 3 back-up en plus donc c’est pas la langue française qui va nous stopper ^^’.Et j’ai déjà reçu une demande d’un russe et d’un turc