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MedicScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European Exeques

Posted by schaffi: | Last Online:

New team looking for ambitious players who can scrim alot.

Age: 14+
Working mic
Good DM
Ambitious to win, take matches serious and want to play s25.

Post your application below, I'll add you if im interested.

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  1. MERPY: GHOST said:

    hello im a scout with 1 season of experience, im always looking to imrpove and id love to trial for your team

  2. Bug said:

    Hi I am Bug,

    I’d like to play Solly or med. I’ve 250+ on Solly and 970+ total atm. I am 14 years old and do have a working mic/Discord account. I haven’t played a season yet and I am still trying to improve my DM. I hope you guys want to trail me :D


  3. Shock said:

    Hello i am a 16 yo Soldier main that spent most of his soldier time on 6s roamer,i work well with my flank scout and i am verry ambitious,and i love scriming.If you want to see how i play,and test me,add me on Steam and i can show you on a DM server or an MGE,or even a TF2 Center lobby.I do also have a Discord account.

  4. Matthes: TLR said:

    Matthes from Britain. 4k+ hours.
    Nearing 1k hours in total on soldier.
    Having relatively good jumps, and the ability to ctap makes me prefer roamer, but can play pocket.

    Can probably scrim probably about 3 times a week

    Only want to join if my team is on the same skill level as me, if not better.

  5. Russian Dude: IN.EN said:

    Steam- Russian Dude
    I would like to play pocket scout, I have 1000+ hours and main scout. I am familiar with my role as a pocket scout and I know most callouts for maps. I am an english speaker and I would be capable to play at the times said above, also I would like to play as many seasons as possible

  6. Gacachasi: Bozo said:

    I am a not really good soldier that wants to win participate and to win this season,I can also play as demmo and medic, more than 1000 hours of experience and I can speackl fluent english, If you want to ask me anything just add me. Have all a nice day

  7. Bug said:

    Hi its me again :D,

    I’ve seen that there are some really good sollys here already. but I can still play medic (I hit alot of my crossbows). add me (again) if you want to trail me whit the rest of the guys :D
