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Soldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania Entire

Posted: | Last Online:

Well after greens fold i did a little brake but now im back on the market. Pref. D2 but will accept good d3 stable team offers (Roaming solly pref. but i can coop being a pocket ill just need time to adjust) I have my up's and down's but who dosent. I can make drastic changes in my game style if the team needs. Err if i forgot anything just add me and we will talk about it and ill see what i can do. (if im overrateing myself then sorry >.<)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33159749 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Elderly Pixel Adventurers [6v6] demsii
Left International Special Force: LIETUVA [6v6] Entire
Left Lithuania [National 6v6 Team] huhystah
Left Lithuania [National Highlander Team] Spreijer
Joined International Special Force: LIETUVA [6v6] guz
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] Entire
Left SixSense [6v6] Entire
Joined SixSense [6v6] Entire
Joined Lithuania [National 6v6 Team] Entire
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Joined Lithuania [National Highlander Team] Entire
Joined Game of Trolls [6v6 Fun Team] Entire
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Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Entire
Left E-Predz [6v6] Entire
Joined E-Predz [6v6] knuck
Joined TEAM NAME [6v6 Fun Team] Slliter
Left La Girafe [6v6] Entire
Joined Chior Tai [Highlander] Aibo999
Joined La Girafe [6v6] SmoKe
Left War for Honor [6v6] Entire
Joined War for Honor [6v6] Luxi
Left Online Predators [6v6] Entire
Joined Online Predators [6v6] sieppox
Left Lethal-Zone.Paroxysm [6v6] Entire
Joined Insert name here [2v2] Slm
Joined Lethal-Zone.Paroxysm [6v6] demsii
Left FakkelBrigade Green [6v6] Entire
Joined FakkelBrigade Green [6v6] Pyle
Left The Postal Service [6v6] Entire
Joined The Postal Service [6v6] Gamb1t
Left Perfection [6v6] Entire
Joined Perfection [6v6] Entire

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View Div 1/Div 2 8 570
View Div 1/Div 2 9 701
View Div 2 4 525
View Div 2 8 762
View Low+ 4 430


  1. Shifty said:

    Awesome guy ! rather bad medic though :P
    Seriously though div 2 for sure ! Pick him up

  2. buhu said:

    entire goes pro. go entire go!!

  3. almost Japanese: C.LIONS - /Rimti/ said:

    awesuuuuum solly!!! easy can join div2 teams, GL!

  4. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Good aim, good comms. Not sure about Div2 but top Div3 at least.

  5. Sir Remix: frø - DANMARK said:

    amazing guy, good solly. good luck mate

  6. blerk said:

    Skilled soldier, good game sense, perfect aim. :) Good luck !

  7. Dummy said:

    div 2
    but mad
    very mad

  8. nekkie` said:

    div 6

  9. Dauk said:

    div two easy dizzy

  10. Knuck: DA! said:

    Take Baby Entire in your team NAO !

  11. Furi0us said:

    prooooooooooooooooo gl has alot of logic lol :DDd

  12. Frix: LG said:

    hes my bitch


  13. Chris: (0v0) said:

    if he’s back on form, div2 ezmode

    good luck ho

  14. TwisteRduB said:

    Going huge, good luck :)

  15. Pacas: 403 said:

    Div 6 gl :D

  16. ups said:

    By the looks of it, relies heavily on scouts dealing damage for the most part. Has the aim for div2 no doubt, solid roamer play-style. Game sense-wise is around top div3 I would say, nothing a season in div2 wouldn’t fix.

  17. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:

    Friendly guy, gl

  18. pr3d said:

    Gl, pick this guy up! Awesome player ;)

  19. Entire: EPA - ciortai said:

    Eh nothing comming in still searching for a couple of days if nothing comes up oh well Quake time

  20. Dummy said:

    someone get him or ill force him to unblock me and join a div 6 clan so he doesn’t go quake (at which he’s absolutely horrid at)!

  21. buhu said:

    he bad at everything