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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

Germany eLeFanT

Posted by 2Fast4Hax: | Last Online:

Looking for a Season 11 Demoman main spot
Longer existing teams are prefered.
I have 500+ hours as a demo.
Good English skills

Add me for trials, talks or discussion about making a new team

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  1. minifazza said:

    hi I am eagle on steam (http://steamcommunity.com/id/ACEBANANA99/home) i am from england i am a scout main but can also play roamer/pocket forfill all the requirments you ask for and it would be a pleasure to play for you

  2. Bin0 said:

    Hi my main is soldier roamer i got good microphone :D my skill level is mid i know some maps only sunshine im learning i got very good english when becames to understand others and im from portugal :D

  3. uncut said:

    Hey ich bin main soli/roamer und kenne die meisten maps eigentlich sehr gut und kann auch die rollouts:) trainiere im moment scout da ich scout als second main will^^ suche ein team mit dem man öfters mal lobbys spielen kann:) könnte mich adden bin meistens online und bereit zu zocken;)


  4. Michseplay said:

    Hi i main hoovy,can speak english and german, know the maps and i have a working mic 
    currently searching a team to increase (schreibt man das so ?) my comp skill. I hope to hear from you soon
    ( https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198133191205/ )

  5. Bernz said:

    Demo sub.
    Experience: Lots of lobbies, some scrims (I think I once played a hl scrim against your team) and a couple of PUGs.
    Add me if interested.