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ScoutSoldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Russia edy

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Hey lft as backup scout/soldier. Could play both pocket and roamer but I'm much better at roamer. Decent offclasser as scout & roamer if your team lets the roamer offclass.

I live in north america (EST time zone) but I should be able to backup since matches are at 2-4 PM for me. Times shouldn't be a problem. Ping isn't a problem either since I get 100-120 ping to CET time zone servers and that's more then enough to play with.

As for experience goes:
UGC HL Steel Season 7 8th (untitled)
UGC 6s Platnium Season 10 3rd (shapes!)
UGC HL Silver Season 8 30th (untitled)
UGC HL Gold Season 9 (top gluttons) Currently 1st place
UGC 6s Platnium Season 11 (top gluttons) Currently 2nd place
ETF2L HL Div4 Season 4 (competitive butt hockey) Didn't play our first match yet, team is a just for fun kind of thing.
ESEA-O Season 14 (Dessert Bagels) Season didn't start

(divs in ugc are iron, steel, silver, gold, platnium. iron being the lowest, plat being the highest)

I scrim with my esea open team every week, played lots of pugs in #tf2mix, #tf2pug, #pickup.net, #pugnahl, #mixnahl combined.

And yes I do have a mic, who doesn't?
If you'd be interested in me backing up for your div3 6s team just come & add me, open to offers.

I should also add that I'm specifically looking for a English speaking team.

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