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ScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Romania durolan

Posted: | Last Online:

Given the recent changes in my last clan(everyone got kicked) I decided I want a clan for season 10. I believe my skill is somewhere around division 4, and high division 5 as soldier.
Even tho i am from Romania, an eastern European country, contrary to popular belief both my spoken and written English are higher than the average east-european level.

As a scout I:
-can adjust to both passive and aggressive play style
-can be the scout that calls
-can offclass sniper if needed

As a soldier I:
-can play both pocket and roamer, haven't decided which style suits me better
-know how to shoot rockets

I can usually play the required days from about 7 CET, don't rage and can take criticism very well if it's constrictive.What I want from you is a decent amount of games per week, a stable team that doesn't change roster once a week and participation in Season 10. I can provide a mumble server if needed and possibly a war server, tho there can be ping issues.

That being said, feel free to contact me in order to set up trials.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:57378417 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Left Romania [National 6v6 Team] Shampoo
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] durolan
Left Romania [National Highlander Team] Shape
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6v6] durolan
Left Panda Society [6v6] durolan
Joined Panda Society [6v6] durolan
Joined Romania [National 6v6 Team] durolan
Joined Romania [National Highlander Team] durolan
Left Div6Forever [6v6] durolan
Joined Div6Forever [6v6] durolan
Left Ramix Associated Members [6v6] durolan
Joined Ramix Associated Members [6v6] durolan
Left Rambase.ro Community Team [Highlander] zFn
Joined Rambase.ro Community Team [Highlander] zFn
Left Fenneks eSports [6v6] durolan
Joined Fenneks eSports [6v6] LaMqTa
Left pH. The Acid Test Experiment [6v6] Twister
Joined pH. The Acid Test Experiment [6v6] Twister
Left Green Syndicate [Highlander] durolan
Left Green Syndicate [6v6] durolan
Joined Green Syndicate [6v6] Cake
Joined Green Syndicate [Highlander] Cake
Left Mercs 4 Hire [6v6] SilverEyedLK
Joined Mercs 4 Hire [6v6] SilverEyedLK
Left Mercs 4 Hire [6v6] SilverEyedLK
Joined Mercs 4 Hire [6v6] SilverEyedLK

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 11 255
View Div 4/Div 5 4 323
View Div 4/Div 5 2 272
View Div 4/Div 5 6 334


  1. Topz said:

    “Given the recent changes in my last clan(everyone got kicked)” Cba correcting you…

    Anyway he’s pretty decent but needs work on his passive play

  2. punct: Do be - Rambase.ro said:

    He’s a good scout, though he needs to learn when to switch to sniper. He’s reliable and should be a great addition to any team looking for a scout right now.

  3. Nagash: [CiC] - CiC said:

    we’re looking for a scout, add me if you fancy a trial or just to talk about the possibility of a trial :D… at work atm so i ca’t add u myself, otherwise i will when i get home