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Soldier  Open Skill, 6v6

England Ducky

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello guys it's your number one British Duck,

I'm a 18 year old with a stick in-between his legs ;) (If you don't get it I'm trying to say I'm a male)

I have 4000 hours + in tf2 and something like 1000+ of them playing solly I believe (don't quote me on that)

I am looking for a chilled 6s team that are planning to join the next season of 6s and have some fun :)

I would like to have a go at playing Roamer (preferred) or pocket. Main or Sub don't really care.

I'm not amazing at Solly but I don't see myself as shit at the rocket man.

Not really had experience playing Solly apart from Mixes and dirty dirty TF2 Lobbies but I am willing to learn and have people call me out on dumb shit I do.

My last team in 6s was me playing medic… It went every well *Cough Cough* (Default wins for the win!)

Add me if you are inquisitive and would like to see me miss insane air shots (We all got to start from somewhere)


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:100199853 Add Friend

Team History

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Left KaoS eSports [6v6] streep36
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] STOGE
Left Good Enough [Highlander] Ducky
Joined Yeezus Lanclub [LAN Team] STOGE
Joined KaoS eSports [6v6] Shay
Left ded team boys [6v6] Ducky
Joined Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
Left The Mumblers [Highlander] Ducky
Joined The Mumblers [Highlander] RoyaleWithCheese
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Ducky
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Bren
Left AMENO [Highlander] Ducky
Joined ded team boys [6v6] Ducky
Left Quackers [6v6] Ducky
Joined Ducky Vs The World [1v1] Ducky
Joined AMENO [Highlander] STOGE
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Ducky
Joined Quackers [6v6] Ducky
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Bren
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Puar
Left Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] hemp
Joined Lads On Tour [6v6 Fun Team] Ducky
Left Russain Bolt [6v6 Fun Team] Ducky
Joined Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] hemp
Joined Russain Bolt [6v6 Fun Team] Ganon
Left BagelSucks [6v6 Fun Team] Ducky
Joined BagelSucks [6v6 Fun Team] STOGE
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Bren

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