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DemomanMedicSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates drdonutman

Posted: | Last Online:

Age: 18
Hours: (3:30 – 8:00 EDT) (8:30 – 1:00 BST) (7:30 – 12:00 GMT) All times are PM
Ping: Around 130 to the EU lobby servers.
Skill: Low+ (Mid as Medic)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/drdonutman/
IRC: drdonutman (on gamesurge)
Languages: Speak very good English(lol) and some Spanish.

I have been playing pickups in the USA for about a year now and have never had time for a team. I figured I would try out the EU scene but by ping ended up being too high so I gave up. Now I have a new ISP and am ready to play TF2 across the pond.

As medic I prefer to heal scouts and demomen but I always find time to keep my soldiers above 200. As soldier/demo I am fairly aggressive so Id like a team that is ok with that. I am a very relaxed player (no rage) and like to discuss performance before and after games, I am also always looking to improve. Pick me up and see what happens :)

P.S. I am not a snobby American although airstrafe jokes are funny.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38223093 Add Friend

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  1. episyx: ‹Con› said:

    Oh my god an NA soldier, get him now!

    He can (probably) airstrafe!

  2. Knolly: vs said:

    not many teams are gonna take you if u can only play in the morning :/

  3. drdonutman said:

    All those times are for the afternoon/evening lol

  4. nophin: :id: said:

    nice to see NA players, could be quite interesting!