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PyroScout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany Donut

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey there World! I am a Donut, not a real Donut, of course! ;)

I am looking for a Div. 5/ Div. 6 Team and i really want to play the Scout with Pyro offclass preference.

Let's come to me as the person behind the name "Donut":

How old are you?
I see what you're implying and no, I am not a twelve years old childish boy who calls himself like a yummy dessert. I am 18 years old! :)

What are your qualities?
I played Div. 6 before and Lobbies (Yeah, I know what you think about lobbies ;))

What are you looking for?
I am looking for Eu Team (I am german myself) which does not have roster and line-up problems. Because of this my last team dropped. again… -.-

So, that's basically all I got to say right no. I am nice and friendly person who really enjoys playing tf2.

I prefer teams with mumble (or ts3) and a gameserver. Much easier this way ;)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:52074607 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left vier // green [6v6] Irene
Left Riverside Motherfuckers [Highlander] Chillerbear
Joined MESKALIN MASKULIN [2v2] Donut
Left M&M [2v2] Donut
Joined M&M [2v2] Donut
Joined vier // green [6v6] Donut
Left Incorporated [6v6] Donut
Joined Incorporated [6v6] Donut
Left vivacon.Online [6v6] Jonte
Joined Riverside Motherfuckers [Highlander] Donut
Joined vivacon.Online [6v6] Donut
Left The Mad Descendants [6v6] Donut
Joined The Mad Descendants [6v6] Donut
Left Dieser Klan [6v6] Donut
Joined Dieser Klan [6v6] Rdios
Left Dieser Klan [6v6] Rdios
Joined Dieser Klan [6v6] Rdios
Left Chaos Company [6v6] banksy
Joined Chaos Company [6v6] capslocked

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 11 342
View Div 5/Div 6 3 276


  1. SiriuZ?! said:

    Sehr guter scout. Div 5 dürfte er packen. Sehr gutes Englisch, reif und immer gut drauf.
    Wenn ihr noch nen scout sucht solltet ihr ihn euch schnappen :D

  2. Jonte said:

    My scout buddy :) get him!!

  3. dONut said:

    Best nick ever, hf !

  4. Klogar: Towm said:

    netter boy <3
    div 5 sollte eigentlich kein problem sein.

  5. Wannabe: 5P. - |DU| said:

    friendliest guy of the world with potential for div 5
    get him!

  6. Donut said:

    Danke Leute! :) … puuuuush post

  7. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Amazing guy and definetly d5 capable also his name is donut… Who dont like donuts?!?! GET HIM! :D

  8. SiriuZ?! said:

    mh… ich hätte auch nen recruitment post machen sollen… dann hätte Rdios mir vllt auch geschmeichelt :(

  9. Rdios: REVERTO said:


  10. Donut said:

