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Spy  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom panther

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi! I am an extremely keen spy who has 317+ hours playing the class. I have 1500+ hours in TF2 in general and I play in lobbies often. I am not looking for an amazing team, I just want to play along side others who think I can help out. I have been described as a team player by many people on lobbies I have played on. I will always go for what suits my team best, whether it's risking my life to take out a medic, or using the dead ringer to stand in front of heavy and soak up the damage. I put the team in front of myself, and I would like to be in a team to do that.

Thank you, and I hope you trial me to see just what I can do for the team, because I know spies dont usually high score on highlander, but I do more than just spy: I call out enemy player health and tell my team where the push is coming from, and then stab the person who is going to give the biggest threat to my team.

Thank you,

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:102624100 Add Friend

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