ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Devoted E-Sports Association

Posted by aptitude: | Last Online:

We're called Devoted E-Sports Association and have been around since early October 2012. We have 2 games playing for Devoted at the moment and they are CS:GO and SC2. We are wanting to broaden our organisation by recruiting specific games, i.e. TF2, BF3. Looking for a team with 6 man lineup, preferably a team which has results and individual past experience online and offline, if as a team would be a bonus.

What we can provide?
Website access to private forums, and your own thread specifically for your team.
We can offer the basics which are website, teamspeak 3 and a match server.
Also our Management keep eye on you weekly for results and plans for future.

What do we want from you?
Skill level anything below Div 6.
Results, mainly from leagues or cups.
We don't mind if you're not a Lannable team aslong as you're playing actively.
It would be a bonus if you're a team which is lannable.

If you're interested visit our website, http://devoted-esports.xippy.co.uk/ make an application on our recruitment section and we shall get back to you. Thanks for reading.

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  1. AeZ!: TP said:

    ‘Skill level anything below Div 6.’

    You probably meant, anything ABOVE div 6 since its the lowest division in our league :)

  2. ANNNT: devoted.ESA said:

    Ah yes, thank you AeZ! that is what I meant.

  3. ANNNT: devoted.ESA said:

    For those that have added me or those who wish to add me, please don’t. I shall add you once you’ve filled in application. Thanks.