ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Mid+ Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Desert Sabre

Posted by xykon: | Last Online:

I'm a young gamer looking for recruits

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  1. lance506 said:

    I’m good as any class and I would be more than welcome to join your team. Please accept my addition to your team, you won’t regret it.

    Steam ID: 0:0:17591022

  2. failsauce said:

    I’m a good spy and sniper please accept me and if you do thank you


    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197988355144 if you want to add me as a friend

  3. boxomarkers said:

    I’m a good as a spy, heavy or a scout. Let me know.

  4. Crux the Cereal Killer: -IA- said:

    I’m decent at Pyro, Demo, and Engy.

    Add me if you want: http://steamcommunity.com/id/crux128/home

  5. Cholaskid said:

    I’m a good spy and scout player, if you wanna i can play every single class very well

  6. Cholaskid said:

    My steam ID:cholasid, or 0:1:25999542

  7. ykane: COPs - ~|WOL|~ said:

    I want to play on your team i’m a good as any class, but i’m better as a scout, spy, pyro, engineer and soldier.

    If you add me to your team you will certainly win a lot of matches and i’ll never disapoint you.



    Steam ID: ykane or 0:1:27301068

  8. macattack278: ~|WOL|~ said:

    I’m an excellent spy and demoman looking for a team. It looks like you need a demo more than a spy, but it’s your call. PM me if you’re interested.

  9. ajm113 said:

    I would like too join!

    My Ad:

    My Steam Page:

    I don’t have a mic at the moment, but I’ll soon be reviving one here shortly, I just ordered one online two days ago.

    Thanks and good luck with your team!