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MedicScout  Open Skill, Fresh Meat

UnitedStates Dat Boi

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, i am a scout/medic main and seeking a team for the fresh meat challenge. I have around 450 hours in tf2 currently and an alright player for my hours. If we do play know that I will always try my best and work with anyone willing to play. Thanks, and i hope to see you in the fight!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:204803062 Add Friend

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Left Pootis Leh Dispenser [6v6] Dat Boi
Joined Pootis Leh Dispenser [6v6] Dat Boi

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  1. Lkfoster1: PootisLD said:

    I am a scout main with 500 hours. I would like to play with you

  2. Lkfoster1: PootisLD said:

    I am a scout main with 500 hours. I would like to play with you. Steam is, “the most cancerous scout main”

  3. Lkfoster1: PootisLD said:

    I thought the first one did not go through, whoops

  4. Dat Boi said:

    Alright, i added you on steam, accept it and we can talk

  5. Din: PootisLD said:

    I am a soldier main with 300+ hours I can play other classes too if you would like but soldier is my stronger point http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313229412/ if you want to talk to me

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