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MedicScoutSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Italy Leif

Posted: | Last Online:

So here we go. My team is taking a break this season.
I waited a while to post this because I wasnt sure if I want to commit this season because on July I graduate from high school so (theorically) I have to study.

But I want to know what's out there and see if I can get any good offer in case.

About me:
– 18 Italian guy
– Would not mind playing backup
– Not very good spoken english but I know calls and I have experience in playing in EU team so it shouldnt be a problem.
– Not a rager except when I play mge :>

– Medic div 4; although I havent officially got experience in div 4 I have played tons of mixes and pcws at that level in past before I switched to scout previous season.
– Scout div 5/4. S14 was my first season as a scout, and even though I played in div 4 with good results with my team (we came 2nd) my DM is not good enough yet to be div 4.
– Solly div 5. Havent really played it but I'd really like to try it out and I think I am good enough for div 5
– Would like to try demo for a div 6/5 team as well :D I can compensate my poor skill at it with experience.

Now a couples of words about schedule things and such:
– I dont really have a regular schedule and commitments, but I am usually available most days. 2/3 pcws per week would be perfect (Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday are ideal). On Monday and Thursday I come back a bit late so if I can play it's not before 21/21.30 90% of times.
– Will obviosly tell in advice if I cant play
– Usually I have got quite a lot of time free in the afternoon for mixes and stuff
– From June onward my schedule may be stricter and I may not be able to play as often as I usually can

Add me on Steam. Keep in mind that from the 11th of April to 14th I wont be at home.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:200526761 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] mèx
Joined Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] BeS
Joined Autismo [6v6 Fun Team] BeS
Left Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] Dingo
Left rest in pizza [6v6] Leif
Joined Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] Dingo
Left Otaku Yohei [Highlander] Leif
Joined rest in pizza [6v6] Leif
Left +forward [6v6] Dingo
Joined Otaku Yohei [Highlander] Leif
Joined +forward [6v6] Leif
Left we am intellyjunt [6v6] Leif
Left grigri [Highlander] Leif
Left Daffodils? I don't understand [6v6 Fun Team] Leif
Joined we am intellyjunt [6v6] Leif
Left Daffodils? I don't understand [6v6] Leif
Joined grigri [Highlander] Leif
Joined Daffodils? I don't understand [6v6] Leif
Left we am intellyjunt [6v6] Leif
Joined Daffodils? I don't understand [6v6 Fun Team] Leif
Joined Do you even [2v2] Leif
Left Italy [National Highlander Team] Leif
Joined we am intellyjunt [6v6] Leif
Left No Talent [6v6] Leif
Left Canzoni Sarde di Nofe Troddio [Highlander] Leif
Joined Italy [National Highlander Team] Leif
Joined No Talent [6v6] Leif
Left Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] Leif
Joined Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] Leif
Left Mou-Team [6v6] Leif
Joined Canzoni Sarde di Nofe Troddio [Highlander] caeli
Joined Mou-Team [6v6] Jaack
Left Angry Mosquitoes [6v6] Leif
Joined Angry Mosquitoes [6v6] Irdaxs
Left GoV Highlander [Highlander] Leif
Joined GoV Highlander [Highlander] Leif

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 15 724
View Div 3/Div 4 0 75
View Div 4 17 1098
View Div 5 4 327
View Div 5 4 400
View Div 5 8 382


  1. alter ego: PrettyGay said:

    defintetly a div4 med, top guy. love him A+

  2. Presto: no! - RIP BaR RIP BaR said:

    I’ve played with this guy for 3 seasons now and would gladly do again next season if we weren’t taking a break ^_^ He’s definitely not overselling himself here, and language is absolutely not a problem. He’s a bargain at this price, give him a good home please :>

    Cunlico for president!

  3. Vali: -9w- said:

    I like him, you will too.

  4. Croce said:

    10/10 would bang.
    i think is good enough to play div 4 with scout/medic gl

  5. swan said:

    Very nice guy, skilled scout/medic/solly! Give him a chance!

  6. djûn said:

    Great scout buddy throughout Div4. DM needs a bit of work to stay at that level but he can hold his own there. Easily more than capable of Div5 and would be a great benefit to any team in need of a strong, capable scout. Without question a solid Div4 medic and has a good sense of tactics, positioning and movement.

    Friendly, supportive and all-round fun guy to be with. Also comes with all the cheap pizza you can eat.

  7. Adrenaline said:

    Nice guy, ez div 4 medic\scout

  8. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:


  9. Asso said:

    Funny guy, good player

  10. profix: FLANK said:

    Such a lovable guy. I enjoyed the season with him a lot. You can have so much fun with him in and out of TF2, also likes to play plenty of other games. His DM on scout needs some work, but he knows what’s up and will do well in a mid div4 team. Also if you’re nice to him he will teach you how to make your pasta al dente! :D

  11. sphynx said:

    lovely guy and div4 capable as medic or scout. gl cuLico <3
    div1 wall of text

  12. seeker said:

    Fun guy to play with, always keen on improving and has the cutest accent ever :3 Would agree on his stated skill-levels, if he improved his aim a bit, he could handle div4 imo :)

  13. Leif said:

    I’m back from holiday, so bump :3

  14. Swi: duplo said:

    Very nice guy div 3 med ez.

  15. omrish said:

    The cutest guy ever.

  16. Epsilon: TC.Express said:

    Added you to discuss, you ignored. :[