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Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Italy Croce

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, looking for a spot as backup for this season, I really don't care I feel div 3 or 4
Available 1 maybe 2 day a week in the evening.
Shitty job shitty free time
can speak english.

add me on steam

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:7592383 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Italy [National 6v6 Team] carnifex
Left Team Infamous [6v6] .
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Left ducks [6v6] Croce
Joined ducks [6v6] wpminnows
Left redpandas.tf [6v6] Croce
Joined redpandas.tf [6v6] Kaylus
Left Audere Semper eSport Highlander [Highlander] Croce
Left eZ eSports [6v6] Hist3rim
Joined Italy [National 6v6 Team] Croce
Joined eZ eSports [6v6] Croce
Left Mou-Team [6v6] Croce
Joined Mou-Team [6v6] Croce
Left Audere Semper eSports [6v6] Croce
Left Insane Trolling Monkeys [6v6 Fun Team] Croce
Left Italy [National 6v6 Team] sisiciao
Joined Italy [National 6v6 Team] Croce
Joined Insane Trolling Monkeys [6v6 Fun Team] Croce
Joined Audere Semper eSports [6v6] fiuciuaH
Left Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Croce
Joined Audere Semper eSport Highlander [Highlander] Don Vito Corleone
Joined Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Don Vito Corleone
Left Mou-Team [6v6] Croce
Joined Mou-Team [6v6] Croce
Left Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Croce
Joined Audere Semper eSport Diamond TF2 team [6v6] Don Vito Corleone
Left Scemi Pagliacci [Highlander] Croce
Joined Scemi Pagliacci [Highlander] mèx
Left pwnd [6v6] Croce
Joined pwnd [6v6] Cevo

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid/High 7 472
View Div 3 15 696
View Div 3 15 658
View Div 3 12 504
View Div 4/Div 5 5 278
View Div 4 4 234
View Div 4/Div 5 0 179


  1. sinr said:

    max 2 days a week in div3? haven’t played tf2 in 6 months?
    gl buddy..

  2. Croce said:

    It’s a hard life
    To be true lovers together
    To love and live forever in each others hearts
    It’s a long hard fight
    To learn to care for each other
    To trust in one another right from the start
    When you’re in love

  3. carnifex said:

    rosbif con carni

  4. Dingo: HG - cirlo said:

    wtf klaudia

  5. MR.SVINS: alus - P.O.P said:

    was solid div2 gamer


  6. Adrenaline said:

    Nice guy and div 3 player.

  7. Hist3rim: eZ said:

    go backup nel team di loriano direi…

  8. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Stick to the people you know klaudia

    This guy is my favourite Italian, such a sound lad, i’d go for a backup spot bro if you can only do 2 days in a week :)

  9. profix: FLANK said:

    Croce is a beast. And on the rare occasions that I played with him always seemed like a very nice guy. GL!

  10. Croce said:

    hey guys thank you

    joshhhhhh <3 you're right for the backup thingy, but you know shit happens.

    go easy on klaudia, she doesn't know me and also what she said could be not wrong at all :-)

    I'm too old for this game lol

  11. LinK: #sadboys said:

    Really good guy.

    Super friendly.

    Also he’s a cop so watch out.


  12. LinK: #sadboys said:

    Forgot to mention, easily div 3,could play div 2 if only #devistaremoltocalmo

  13. Adrenaline said:

    Josh I LOVE U

  14. Caeli: #T4F said:

    croce <3333
    one of the nicest italians I have ever met, good luck!!! =D

  15. Croce said:

    thank you bfa gl for your season too

  16. Leif said:

    good player nice guy

  17. $£rb€ñ said:

    awesome solly

  18. Croce said:
