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Soldier  Div 3 Skill, Highlander

Germany coskai

Posted: | Last Online:

UGC (around Gold) mainly, wouldn't mind ETF2L though

Looking for a sub-spot since I have 6s atleast 3 days of the week and wouldn't like to spend all evenings playing scrims and matches.
I played quite my share of HL in the past, so i assume I have some sense for this competitive format.
I could sub for solly/scout/pyro/demo/heavy/engi all under the condition of not having to maincall.
I dare say that I can handle the Div3-part on solly quite confidently. This may variate for the other classes, but it mostly depends on how my playstyle fits to the teams (need some time to adapt).

I can:
– hit shots
– hold a flank
– tell you if some push is happening on the flank
– not rage (stopped that, hurts my throat after a while)
– tell you those prem MvM-strats

You should:
– speak English/German
– have an established maincaller
– not come ask me last minute (have a schedule)

I would honestly appreciate every interest in my services as "The bitch for everything".


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80083236 Add Friend

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  1. NightWing94 said:

    a good solly, always fun to play with him!

  2. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

    Good solly. Probably better than a good percentage of the sollies in d3 hl right now.

  3. Jesse James said:

    Strong DM Strong Rocketjump Strong Gamesense. Div 2-3 at least

  4. Boob Lee: NERD - 0FO said:

    Long time teammate, an excellent bloke to hang out on mumble with and solid flank holder. Good luck my friend!