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PyroScoutSoldier  Open Skill, Fresh Meat

European CoolBlast3

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello! My name is Pedro, I have over 1647 hours in TF2, I main Scout, but I am also quite good with Soldier and pyro, and average at everything else (except Sniper…)
I am looking for a Fresh Meat Team (well duh!)
Tell me what ya think, and I have no prior comp. experience.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:109442284 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left PoPo MATIZ #fun [6v6 Fun Team] CoolBlast3
Joined PoPo MATIZ #fun [6v6 Fun Team] TheTrueExp
Left ku$h lassies [6v6 Fun Team] CoolBlast3
Joined ku$h lassies [6v6 Fun Team] Kosuke
Left The_ProNoobs [Highlander] CoolBlast3
Joined The_ProNoobs [Highlander] EmpLucas

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  1. FiRe: -TM- said:

    Hi, I have 3000 hours in tf2 and i never played comp (so i’m a fresh meat) i’m a good medic and a decent solly.

  2. Masketta said:

    I am a very decent soldier and okay scout.
    I have 1200k hours on TF2, (you can see on my profile) and I am from Germany.
    I do have a mic aswell.

  3. DaSquirrelMan [yt] said:

    Hello, I don’t have many hours at all in tf2, somehow i am still a good player. I mostly practice S oldier so im quite good with that, don’t know airshots yet that well. I also play Medic a lot, i like to help my team. I’m also decent with Pyro. [you can see some gameplay of me on YouTube, channel name is DaSquirrelMan] I dont use normal text chat, I use voice chat.

  4. Roaster said:

    I have over 700 hours in TF2, But my main class i use is Soldier and also sometimes Medic. I can Rocket Jump , Do other tricks etc. I am good with Soldier and Decent with Medic. I would like to join

  5. Drunken said:

    Hey, I may only have 500 hours, but I’m pretty good at medic, and try to heal my whole team, never Played comp before so I’m trying to join this fresh meat challenge to get started, also decent at scout, soldier and heavy, hope ya let me join!

  6. Nerath said:

    1,5k hours played. Im good at Demoman, Soldier, Pyro. Sometimes i can play other classes like medic and scout if needed. Never have really played comp highlander, i mostly play on TF2 Center playing 6’s and HL. Would like to join!

  7. DARK0: TripaMKD said:

    Hello my name is Darko Minevski im from Macedonia.Im planning to enter a team,im good at Pyro and Solider i have 900+ hour on TF2.Would like to join!

  8. IConix: iCO-HL said:

    You seem good. Need a Scout/Pyro guy.

  9. IConix: iCO-HL said:


  10. DARK0: TripaMKD said:

    Ok then i would like to be pyro