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DemomanScoutSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

European Cool Story :D

Posted by Harps: | Last Online:

Seeing what interest is out there for a high div 3 team wanting to push div 2 soon. Got in mind a demo and medic (nothing offical) so im looking for a Scout to partner me (be brave :D.) And a solly duo preferably a previous solly partnership, but i dont mind 2 sollys who dont know eachother as long as you got the skill :) and a sick demo who will be mainly with the medic.
Have mid/top div 3 exsperiance in etf2l leagues (apparantly people dont understand that asking for d3 exsperiance means mercing once for a d3 team is exsperiance)
Use clear comms at all times!
What i/we can offer:
same as the two recuirments :)
Thanks guys.
ps: Im being serious dont even bother adding if you havent played in div 3 on etf2l ive let down 5 people already for not having that experiance.)

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  1. Frozy said:

    GL KeNnY^ :)

  2. Paging Dr Lupus said:

    Didn’t you do the exact same thing last year and fail? GL, and better luck this time.

  3. Harps: MM said:

    Ye last year only reason it failed was cause i went to cod 4 :)

  4. Brutallus said:


  5. Paging Dr Lupus said:

    Why would you go to cod4? :o Thats just plain silly xD.

  6. LEAD FACE: BLLB said:

    Starting a team from scratch is never easy, I hope he gets the players that he deserves :D

    gl Kenny!

  7. Harps: MM said:
