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DemomanSpy  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Cool Cats: Black Bellends

Posted by Hcsc0ut: | Last Online:

Hey guys, I'm Dan – the demo & leader for the d5 6v6 team Cool cats: Black bellends.
What I can offer:
A dedicated player who has played tf2 for years, who can offer leadership skills if needed (following leading two 6v6 teams), and can also use a spread sheet properly ;). I would ideally like to play spy, due to it being the class I most enjoy and to also break up the monotony of playing demoman in a competitive environment, although I would be happy to play demoman in a slightly higher division in order to gain some quality highlander experience.

What I am looking for:
Spy – I am looking for main spot in an established division 5 team, who scrim regularly to play in the next highlander season – with the aim of growing as a team and climbing divs.

Demo – A division 4 highlander main spot in the next, to see weather I enjoy demo in highlander as much as I do in 6v6, in a team which would be willing to teach me and welcome me into the highlander scene.

To organise any trials or to chat just add me :D – thanks

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  1. Maxi: BRIT said:

    Bonus points if you’re coming to i52 as quite a few of us are going.

  2. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    can trial if needed

  3. Pepzi said:

    I can trial. Add me if you’re interested

  4. Pepzi said:


  5. chris said:

    if u need a heavy im in

  6. Maxi: BRIT said:

    why the fuck would we need a heavy

  7. Belgiumrockz said:

    Hello i would like to be your medic, i know your guys are asking for a experienced medic who has been in highlander. I never have been in highlander but i got alot of experiences with medic as it is my favourite classes. I know which medic guns i should use in certain situations; i can do multiple uber.
    I’m a team medic altough i also have a mate which i’m the pocket medic from; he swaps from heavy, soldier and demo. With playing with him i learned which medigun is the best in some situations.
    A trial would be nice
    Note: atm i’m in exams, this means i can only play in the evening of the weekends. my exams will be done on the 20th

  8. Graba: TCM - ㄕサ said:

    Hey, I could try :p

  9. Toasty toaster #roas said:

    when u topscore in pubs u cant go div 5

  10. Maxi: BRIT said:

    It doesn’t even mention highlander

  11. Hcsc0ut said:


  12. irvin: GADOU - Houssem said:

    add me ;)

  13. Elementuhm said:

    Hey, I’m “Marc” from germany.

    I’d like to be the medic in your 6vs6 team.
    I’m using the Accurator to heel, but I have other medi-guns too.

    I hope I can be your medic.(Just give me a try^^)


    (PS: http://steamcommunity.com/account/invander1/)