ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

International CoCo

Posted by harbl: | Last Online:

Hi there, recently had a quick shuffle around and we're lacking in the combo department. Though ideally we'd like to go div5 everyones taking new roles and some new classes so were on shakey ground. If you feel you have what it takes to go 5 but aren't overly upset if we don't qualify and go 6(let's win it :D) give me a shout.
What you can expect from us is solid comms and regular practice with out own mumble and server in a friendly community.
Edit: We made div 5 yay still looking for a medic

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  1. basshead: mid said:

    harbl and co are super cool guys, if you are looking for a team at this skill level you’d be lucky to join CoCo

  2. Chakabra said:

    Enjoyable bunch of guys and players, div5 for sure with solid combo. Good luck guys.

  3. i slay dragons: snapeandjaptorc said:

    Super cool team! Was always happy when i had the honor to merc for them! <3

  4. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    wait… get jr!

  5. Krw5 said:

    hey I’d love to play medic for you guys

  6. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    Easy div5 team, really cool guys, keen and fun.

  7. RuFFino said:

    I’m interested in playing demo. Message me on steam to talk.

  8. harbl: Snack said:

    Looking for medics atm

  9. RaphaelMcGee said:

    Interested in playing scout for your team add me to talk.