ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Chiorni magicians

Posted by Karandasas: | Last Online:

We are team which want to go to the 18s.So we will scrim almost every day.Atleast now we need:
1 demo
1 scout
1 medic

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View Div 6 5 542
View Div 6 1 341


  1. Dee Three said:

    Hi, I would like to start playing 6’a with your team!
    Im a good demo, and doing damage with stickies is my speciality!

  2. That Martin Guy said:

    Hello! I am a scout who has 111+ hours on scout and 1500+ hours on the game. If i would choose a playstyle i would problably be aggressivare, but i can switch depending on the situation. I also know a little bit about html if you arw intressted in a website. I will post a profile link later as i am on a phone right now.

  3. That Martin Guy said:

    My profile link is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072698627/

  4. Pépito said:

    Hi, I’d be up for the medic slot if you’re interested. I don’t have any previous comp experience and have about 550 hours on the game, but if you’re interested, please add me:

  5. Simply™ Bob™ said:

    I can play both med and scout, i have over 2,2k hours in the game and quite a bit on the classes i can play, i have previous experience in both HL (won silver :3) and 6v6 (previous teams), hit me up on steam if you want a short dude with a shotgun or a tall dude that spams ubers.

    p.s. i have spy (my main), heavy (played it in HL) and sniper experience, so i can offclass when needed with ease.

  6. Simply™ Bob™ said:

    ^ http://steamcommunity.com/id/TICLA/ ^

  7. That Martin Guy said:

    sadly ive already bene offered by another team. My post has expired.

  8. Trollzor said:

    I can play as a scout, offclass if needed(soldier,demo,sniper)
    I have 1500 hours of TF2, hoping to get in.
    Profile – http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027167951/
    Steam name: [FFS]Flim