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Medic  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6


Posted: | Last Online:

Hey all, my name is Christine.

I'm currently looking for a team as medic.

What can I offer you:
– Heals!! And loads of them too!
– Cheerleading! :D
– Social and love having fun! :D
– My game sense ;D
– Keen!

What would I like from you?
– Social guys! (Important!)
– Fun to play with
– Keen and willing to improve!
– Someone to heal!
– Fluent english, danish and can understand swedish!
– Mixes everyday at div3/4 level.

That would be all!

Lots of love – Christine

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34420340 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Comrades v2.0 [6v6] FUCK OPENPLUGIN
Joined Comrades v2.0 [6v6] FUCK OPENPLUGIN
Left Czarri [2v2] FUCK OPENPLUGIN
Left Glorious pc masterrace [6v6] Czar
Joined Czarri [2v2] FUCK OPENPLUGIN
Joined Glorious pc masterrace [6v6] FUCK OPENPLUGIN
Left Team Goliath [6v6] FUCK OPENPLUGIN
Joined Team Goliath [6v6] FUCK OPENPLUGIN

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 0 38
View Div 4 15 443
View Div 5/Div 6 7 140


  1. m1k said:

    Favourite medic <3

  2. Markosen said:

    Really nice :D awesome! :D <333

  3. iMMo: vier said:

    Good medic and really fun to play with, definately worth a try :)

  4. Tunttu: [MIPC] - [MIPC] said:

    Nice girl.


  5. Swi: duplo said:

    Plem medic <3 :)

  6. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    <3 womanbot awesome medic and fun to play with :)

  7. misha YB`g said:

    best of good luck

  8. Muerte: elev8 said:

    Shit mic. :|

  9. Theoneseeker: #brahs said:

    try div 6 for starters

  10. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Definitely not div6 has good gamesense, however I doubt going div4+ is a good idea without proper experience with a team. Best of luck though!

  11. m1kkel said:

    Theoneseeker: certain people simply have enough talent to skip the first couple of divs. My first season as medic was in division 2. Try getting above div 4 before you try to talk other players down for starters.

  12. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    has tits +4 divisions

  13. Czar: VΛ // said:

    as a good friend and as a medic main, i don’t see you going above div 4.
    my advice would be to go div 5 first, get a season under your belt.
    You defiantly have div 4 potential, and should easily go div 4 in a season or two, but honestly i don’t think you would fit in either div 3 or mid-high div 4.

    hope you’ll do good!
    -Czar (:

  14. ARI: HKN! said:

    Did divison 4 demoman not work? or did medic “peak” your interest all of a sudden? :<