ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates C*G*C

Posted by Dumumum: | Last Online:

We are a Division 6 Highlander Team looking to participate in the Highlander Open. Even though we are a little late on the part of sending out a recruitment, we hope some of you are the same with joining a team! The Highlander Open will probably be the only tournament we will be in for the foreseeable future, so with that in mind, we are looking for 2 more players to round out our team, plus 3 substitutes, who will most likely all be used. Any skill level and play time is welcomed.

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  1. ShibeIsLife said:

    Sniper main here, I would like to be on your highlander team, I have 800+ hours on tf2 and want to get into the competitive scene.

  2. Dumumum said:

    Alright! Anyone would be nice at this point, so just go ahead and send a request.

  3. Dat Fat-Ass Engineer said:

    Although i Main as Demo I can play Medic or Engineer. My profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198113190608/


  4. Dumumum said:

    Cool! You’ll probably play Demo for most of it, btw, but go ahead and send a request to our team! =)

  5. Hurrix: PGG said:

    Hi, Spy, Engie, and Scout are my best classes and I would like to join the team. I have over 1,200 hours on TF2 and play highlander on TF2Center a lot. Thanks

  6. Dumumum said:

    Well, at this point, we are looking for a Demo, so if you are able to play that (which you probably are), then go ahead and join!

  7. Dumumum said:

    But, also, we still would like subs, and since you would probably play for at least one round, you could join and be a sub. Either or.

  8. Hurrix: PGG said:

    No thanks, i’m not the best demo. I’d rather not bring your team down seeing as demo is one of the most important classes. TY anyways :)

  9. Dumumum said:

    Oh. Well, that’s fine! I doubt you would bring our team down at all, but it’s your choice! =)

  10. Salty Rootbeer said:

    I have 1.6k hours in TF2 and have practiced lots on both soldier and heavy. I’d love to join your highlander team with my friend, MORTALMEN, who plays awesome as a spy.

  11. Dumumum said:

    Awesome! We aren’t completely sure if we’re going to play in the Highlander Open right now (considering we would be put on the waiting list), but go ahead! We could use the people, especially people with a lot of skill! =)

  12. Mikael: ongod said:

    I’ve played TF2 for about 1,6k hours.

    Maining sniper but I’m also able to play both pyro, scout and soldier.

    I’ve never played Comp before at all but I’ve been told that I should do so :)

    Feel free to add me on steam for further information :3

  13. HeisenBurger said:

    Hey i’m a scout main, i mostly only use scout unless I’m fooling around and i need to join a team since i really want the items

  14. safaa said:

    I’m a soldier main. I’m not the best, but I can get lucky sometimes. 2.5k hours on TF2, really laggy and the voice of a 5 year old. I’ve played a little comp, but only as a sub that had to be brought in because some guy had to go to a funeral or something.
    Here’s my steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/safaaaa

  15. Dillon said:

    I play medic and engi, I have 230 hours on medic, Ive played comp for almost 2 years running, but playing tf2 since 2009-2010 on console, then switch to pc in 2012, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061853684/ I have a mic, mumble, and open time in the afternoon

  16. Theawesomemango said:

    i can play as any class but not that good as medic. i have about 85 hour. i main soldier but im pretty good at snpier and pyro. i have a mic and i’m open on almost everyday.

  17. Dumumum said:

    For anyone left wanting to join, we have rounded out our team with 9 people already, but the 3 subs requested in the recruitment have a high probability of using all 3 of our subs during the tournament. So, if you’re still interested, send me a friend request on Steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/dumumum/ and to our team. Thanks!

  18. EpicDanny: [N*C*F] said:

    I’m a main scout and would love it if I could be part of your team! If the scout spot is filled, I would be willing to be a sub. I play lots of MGE and pubs. I really need the experience of highlander and be greatful if you let me join your team, whether as a player or sub!

    I am a team player/team scout, but can also go solo.
    I know a bunch if strats

    I would love it if you considered me as part of your team.

    Add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/HOTDOG_/

  19. DonNas said:

    Hi! I don’t know if you’re still looking for subs, but it would be great if you considered me a your heavy. I have played in a lot of pubs and highlanders and a couple of 6’s on TF2Center however I have not played in comp sadly. It would be super awesome if you considered me as part of your team!

  20. Marcus Minor said:

    I have 1180 hours in Team Fortress and I would like to join for my main class spy I have over 100 hours on that class and I excel deeply with this class.


  21. Marcus Minor said:

    Also im the friend of Salty Rootbeer

  22. Dumumum said:

    Well, DonNas, we have 12 people in our team now (9 players and 3 subs), and I do not think you would play at all if you were to join. I’m truly sorry for this, but we have all the people we need at this point. if we happen to need you because of 4 potential missing players, then you will be the first one we will turn to, but besides that, you might want to look for another team. Sorry! ='(