ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Open Skill, 6v6

Seychelles Carrying Ryuu

Posted by Leagle_: | Last Online:

Hey there, some new mess of a project team here.
Right now we are in the need for soldiers.
We would appreciate some former experience and good english would be really nice.
So, if you think you are a mature player that wants to have fun and maybe improve a bit with some "cool" people then feel free to add me.
We wont really be tolerating any toxic behavior

Come help me carry Ryuu =P
– Leagle

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  1. Telepathic Ryuu said:

    Pls carry me :c

  2. T.KD Solo: TBK said:

    Looking to join as roamer if u have a spot i have played in a gulf mini tournament as roamer i have 600+ hrs 15 yrs old and i am willing to learn

  3. T.KD Solo: TBK said:

    and i can speak fluent english

  4. Leagle_: + - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:


  5. Gordon_king said:

    I can be roamer and pocket sollie, I have abit of knowledge so ill add you if thats ok.

  6. Tercio said:

    Gl. ⊙]