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Scout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Spain carlitos_xiri

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello I am a boy scout looking dv5 clan of 6v6 and nothing else, I can speak English but not much is something.This is my history of clans: sds, ak47.uve.wild foxes, Adrenaline.
Thx for paying attention to this post

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38140589 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left mix*es2017 [6v6 Fun Team] sage
Joined mix*es2017 [6v6 Fun Team] sage
Left F4 or KICK [6v6] carlitos_xiri
Joined F4 or KICK [6v6] CHICHO
Left Trolling bunnies No Colour [6v6] carlitos_xiri
Joined Trolling bunnies No Colour [6v6] carlitos_xiri
Left Inspired [6v6] carlitos_xiri
Joined Inspired [6v6] carlitos_xiri
Left WildSoviets [6v6] CHICHO
Joined WildSoviets [6v6] carlitos_xiri
Left Adrenaline [6v6] carlitos_xiri
Joined 72 [Highlander] carlitos_xiri
Left KillerMachina [Highlander] carlitos_xiri
Joined Adrenaline [6v6] prometh
Left Synergy [6v6] carlitos_xiri
Joined KillerMachina [Highlander] jhonny939
Joined Synergy [6v6] Vulky

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View Div 5/Div 6 0 231
View Div 6 1 400


  1. Squirry: nNT ≠ said:

    Google Translate FTW. Gl Xiri.

  2. snaaker: )xxxx[::::::::> said:

    lol @ spanglish xD

    gl pitirri

  3. Caeli: #T4F said:

    More div6 than 5. He isn’t friendly at all and inmature, anyway, good luck i guess.

  4. carlitos_xiri: 72 said:

    Haver bfa deja de trolear un poco xdd

  5. Gissmo.Pikachu said:

    He is not friendly at all, he is cocky, Do not even understandings / talk english (I have played a mix with him), Gets mad and start to talking bull on one in Spanish because he’s losing an”MGE”game / match. But it was like 2 months ago. But he is probably the most cocky / rudest player in div 6-5 from Spain. Btw good spelling and good with details about yourself, good luck;)

  6. Squirry: nNT ≠ said:

    Carlitos, you should go div6, get a successful season and then join div5, joining div5 not means that you gonna be better. I know that after this recomendation u gonna do one of this situations : first one, post here “such a bad troll squirry” or rage me in my own Rec post ;). So much good luck though

    Carlos, deberias buscar equipo en div6 , conseguir unos buenos resultados y ya, si eso, ir a div4, pero entrar a div5 directamente no te va a hacer mejor . Sé Qe después de esta recomendación, harás una de estas dos cosas: o bien postear aquí ” haber squirry , deja de trollear” o insultar y decir cosas falsas en mi red post, en fin mucha suerte.

  7. carlitos_xiri: 72 said:

    JAJAJAJA,yo tambien te quiero pikachu<3
    Squirry lo que te dije iva a buenas tio y nose yo busco div6/5 porque me creo mejor de div6 almenos yo.
    Squirry me apetece exar una mge contra ti si tu quieres avisa.

  8. carlitos_xiri: 72 said:

    i love you pikachu<3

  9. Caeli: #T4F said:

    If you are not able to take criticism, sir, you will never improve… And being a dick with everyone wont help too. Seems that you are like people who thinks that being good at MGE will make you premier or something?
    Stop dreaming.

  10. Gissmo.Pikachu said:


  11. Gissmo.Pikachu said:

    Carlos i love that you anwser me in sCarlos in love that you answer me in spanish, just a sign that your English sucks. Your other team seems pretty good “ak47” wtf?. You win nothing by being cocky via etf2l then you will never find a team, lol.

  12. Gissmo.Pikachu said:

    My bad, Just ignore them first words until you get to “Carlos”

  13. Gissmo.Pikachu said:

    Carlos_xiriPa LFT: eres un gilipollas
    Carlos_xiriPa LFT: hijo de puta
    XntriK.Gissmo.Pikachu: ?
    Carlos_xiriPa LFT: idiot
    Carlos_xiriPa LFT: ;(
    XntriK.Gissmo.Pikachu: How come?
    Carlos_xiriPa LFT: recruitment etf2l
    Carlos_xiriPa LFT: ;(
    XntriK.Gissmo.Pikachu: What about it?
    Carlos_xiriPa LFT: que
    XntriK.Gissmo.Pikachu: Just telling the info about you. You’ve just proved my point lol.