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DemomanEngineerHeavySniperSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Cutecy

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a team that is fun to play with but at the same time isn't full of 2fort idiots. I can play most classes to a high standard but would love to play Engineer or Heavy.

I'm from New Zealand but currently studying in the UK. I have 6v6 experience. If your team is full of fun people who can take a loss without raging but at the same time can learn from their losses and improve I'm interested!

Try me :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30227440 Add Friend

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  1. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    Should maybe look for div 5-6 unless you have some way to back up any former experience.

  2. cutecy said:

    From looking at demos and the general quality.. or should I say lack of quality players in the lower divs (2 under) I’m not sure if I’d want to put myself in lower teams but like I said, I’m happy to join a team in the lower divs who aren’t idiots and who are willing to improve.

  3. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    I don’t think you understand. You have no way of backing up (or have but you’re not showing, who am I to tell) that you have any experience around div 2. Noone knows you. Unless you show people that you’re good at the game, you won’t find a team at that level. If you want people to take some random person, from another continent who is looking for a mid-high skilled team, seriously, you need to have something to show that you’re not just some new guy overestimating himself.

  4. cutecy said:

    I know what you’re saying and I know it’s unorthodox to expect to be able to be recruited by a team div 4 and up with no proof of my skill level but no one over here is going to know any teams I’ve been in or my general skill because like you said, separate continents. And I acknowledge the fact there are so many fresh from the pub players who thing they are gods gift at pyro/sniper and spy etc and want to join higher div teams when in actual fact they are 5 and below at best.. I guess people looking are going to have to take that into account and try me out, which isn’t exactly going to hurt them!

    Also just in case you missed it the first two times! “I’m happy to join a team in the lower divs who aren’t idiots and who are willing to improve.”

    And the fact I’ve highlighted the fact I would to prefer to play Engineer and Heavy, 2 lower skill ceiling classes (but at the same time important) should make it easier in the “higher” divs.. Thanks.

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