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MedicSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

England bum

Posted: | Last Online:

available most nights, want main spots only.
dont want to maincall

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:107412430 Add Friend

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Joined Ringo BLACK [6v6] hugo
Left JEPIC 3: Return of the Jediward [6v6] bum
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Joined JEPIC 3: Return of the Jediward [6v6] Celreo
Left Keyboard Warriors [6v6] bum
Joined Keyboard Warriors [6v6] Kraken
Joined Proper Halal [Highlander] James
Left the SPY!!!!1! [Highlander] bum
Joined Team JEP!C on tour [LAN Team] Celreo
Left reggiN //eSports// [6v6] bum
Joined the SPY!!!!1! [Highlander] bum
Left xX_THE ULTAMATE GAMERS_Xx [Highlander] bum
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  1. zeFrosty: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    solid maincaller, will do well if players listen to his calls

  2. varnu said:

    should i troll

  3. Kraken said:

    great guy and player, pick him up

  4. Dolly: tfc - TC said:

    good player deserves top mid project, calm calls and colossal potential

  5. polis said:

    a lot of potential, can do very fast bombs (wink wink)

  6. Dolly: tfc - TC said:

    _,-‘ .:::. `-._
    / `-.
    / .::.
    / ______ .::\
    ___| __.-‘\ .::.`–._ .:::\
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    _| `. | .’ .::)/ ::\:/
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    \ < | \ \ .:| .::||. .::/
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    \ \:`+—-'::/ `. | ..:::|. .:::/
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    / .::\ |:._// .:\
    / _.:::\ L_' | .:)
    L='“:::/ | || ,-'.:|
    // .::\| \==\\/_ :|
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    | _,-._ :/ /\\__//###\ :|
    \/ .://| \ /####\:|
    /\\ :/,'| \___/#*`' ||
    |/#\ :|,'|
    |/##\ :|\,/
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  7. Dolly: tfc - TC said:

    / . \
    / | \
    ( @@ )
    / _/—-\_ \
    / ‘/ \` \
    / / . \ \
    / /| |\ \
    / / | | \ \
    / /`_/_ _\_’\ \
    / ‘/ ( . )( . ) \ `\

    / ‘ @ @/ =\@ @ ` \
    / / @@( , )@@ \ \
    / / @@| o o|@@ \ \
    ‘ / @@@@@@@@ \

  8. Dolly: tfc - TC said:


  9. Celreo: TC: Ox - TC said:

    good at tf2.

  10. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    good calls, but relies on infinites a bit too much

  11. bum: Dancer said:


  12. Gazy: PANZER said:

    He is so fucking good and enjoyable to play with, defo worth picking up