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Sniper  Mid/Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedArabEmirates 3boody

Posted: | Last Online:

Experienced Sniper with +5,000 in-game hours, +560 hours on Sniper.
Had some previous competitive experience in the past and is willing to join a new HL team.
I do have a mic to communicate also, hmu.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:314119950 Add Friend

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  1. stexer: KKK said:

    RezQ :D

  2. MoreBuckets! said:

    wanna get banned again?

  3. khamba said:

    if you want I can report to you for the second time Rezq :^)

  4. khamba said:

    rip my english :^)

  5. stexer: KKK said:

    Lol buckets i was joking :Ddddddddd why are you taking it serious

  6. MoreBuckets! said:

    it seemed suspicious he made an alt lol

  7. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:

    He doesn’t fight crime or Wear a Cape, he doesn’t read minds or levitate, But everytime My world needs saying, he’s My superman, some folks don’t believe in heroes cause they haven’t met My dad.
    He loves his workshop and rock n roll.

  8. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:

    Wrong chat, trial him

  9. MoreBuckets! said:

    xddd sprasty wtf

  10. MoreBuckets! said:

    guys i checked his profile 2 minutes ago and now he turned it to private he doesnt even have 5k hours he got 1k which i assume he went on idle i doubt that its not Resq’s alt

  11. soLo' said:

    thats the youtuber who mains turbine and always bring a medic with him

  12. soLo' said:

    and also countering cheaters in orange map with vacc medic

  13. khamba said:

    no second ban for Rezq :(

  14. MoreBuckets! said:

    Well the fact he changed his. profile to private was kinda fishy to me still im a human and i can be wrong aswell

  15. soLo' said:

    rezq is already dead, banned in both ugc and here aswell, so he wont be back