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Soldier  High Skill, 6v6

Netherlands Bona

Posted: | Last Online:

hit me up, available sunday>thursdays

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:69873332 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Banana eSports [6v6] Collaide
Joined Banana eSports [6v6] Collaide
Left Drugs & Musical tendencies [6v6] Bona
Left Netherlands [National Highlander Team] Nightmare
Joined Drugs & Musical tendencies [6v6] Bona
Left Springboks E-sports [6v6 Fun Team] Bona
Left are you going to play serious [6v6] Pete_
Joined are you going to play serious [6v6] Pete_
Left Ayo pass the Mayo [6v6] Bona
Joined Ayo pass the Mayo [6v6] san alex
Left Death from Above [6v6] Bona
Joined Death from Above [6v6] Tama
Left nunya [6v6] Bona
Joined nunya [6v6] Condawg
Left nunya [6v6] slimshady
Joined nunya [6v6] Condawg
Left Well 'ard Lads [6v6] adysky
Joined Well 'ard Lads [6v6] adysky
Left Project Köttbullar [6v6] Bona
Joined Springboks E-sports [6v6 Fun Team] Pipoex
Joined Netherlands [National Highlander Team] kKaltUu
Left The Netherweeds [LAN Team] Bona
Joined Project Köttbullar [6v6] Bona
Left Sleep Club AWAKENED by RiseandShineTea [6v6] Bona
Joined PMW [Highlander] yllen
Left Team Rocket [Highlander] Bona
Joined Sleep Club AWAKENED by RiseandShineTea [6v6] Pennyfarming
Left Brozone [6v6] Bona
Joined Brozone [6v6] op
Left Bantermory sponsored by Sony DADC [6v6] Bona
Joined Bantermory sponsored by Sony DADC [6v6] Kasdeus
Left The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Bona
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Coleman
Joined The Netherweeds [LAN Team] kKaltUu
Joined Team Rocket [Highlander] Deo
Left 6V6 > MGE > DM > PUBS > 9V9 [Highlander] Bona
Left Big Baguettes powered by cobz.tf [6v6] Bona
Joined Sexual Healing [2v2] krtz
Left #freeana [2v2] Bona
Joined #freeana [2v2] NeuTronas
Joined 6V6 > MGE > DM > PUBS > 9V9 [Highlander] Bona
Left its Team [Highlander] Graba
Joined its Team [Highlander] Graba
Joined Big Baguettes powered by cobz.tf [6v6] Graba
Left Gorilla's Vieze Harry [Archimedes Cup] [6v6 Fun Team] Bona
Joined Gorilla's Vieze Harry [Archimedes Cup] [6v6 Fun Team] Bona
Left IWISHIWASABALLER [Highlander] Bona
Left (▀Ĺ̯ ▀-͠ ) Ebona E-Sports [6v6] Bona
Joined (▀Ĺ̯ ▀-͠ ) Ebona E-Sports [6v6] Bona
Left Sirius Echelon [6v6] Bona
Joined IWISHIWASABALLER [Highlander] fonexi.a
Left Rest in peace my Nerds With Attitude [Highlander] Bona
Joined Sirius Echelon [6v6] Lantak
Joined Rest in peace my Nerds With Attitude [Highlander] Fuddles
Left No Name Clan [6v6] Bona
Joined No Name Clan [6v6] bobair
Left No Name Clan [6v6] Bona
Joined No Name Clan [6v6] bobair
Left IWISHIWASABALLER [Highlander] Bona
Left Ambigious, Me Myself and I [6v6 Fun Team] Bona
Left Anti-Aurora Prophecy [6v6] Bona
Joined IWISHIWASABALLER [Highlander] fonexi.a
Joined Anti-Aurora Prophecy [6v6] wand00m
Left Fatal Accuracy [6v6] Bona
Joined Fatal Accuracy [6v6] Icewind
Left De La Soul [6v6] Bona
Joined Ambigious, Me Myself and I [6v6 Fun Team] Bona
Joined De La Soul [6v6] refint
Left De La Soul [6v6] Bona
Joined De La Soul [6v6] Bona
Left 6^Up [6v6] Bona
Left [T-A!]Team Awesome Gaming HHHNNNGGG [Highlander] [T-A!]PandaJoey*
Joined [T-A!]Team Awesome Gaming HHHNNNGGG [Highlander] [T-A!]PandaJoey*
Joined 6^Up [6v6] Fuddles
Left Distegrento dimbalao! [6v6] Bona
Joined Distegrento dimbalao! [6v6] fiend
Left Mental Explosion [6v6] Bona
Joined Mental Explosion [6v6] Bona

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2 59 1611
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View Div 3/Div 4 17 519
View Div 3/Div 4 16 560
View Div 4 21 909
View Div 5/Div 6 0 274
View Div 6 0 323


  1. Jin said:


  2. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    big noob ?

  3. Bona: PMW said:


  4. Gregoravich: DADFITES - VaC said:


  5. Bobinsky: chumtoad. - regretful said:


  6. NeuTronas said:

    Complete trash

  7. yllen said:


  8. repu said:

    as ive said 10000 times before: will destroy with a serious team

  9. reboRn said:

    ?? good shit go౦ԁ sHit? 100% thats ✔ some good??shit right?there?

  10. Bona: PMW said:

    repu ??

  11. krtz said:

    Havent played with him in ages but will rape with a good caller in his team !! SICK ROCKETS

  12. corben: PISTONS said:


  13. meth0d: adios said:

    neutronas called you trash hahahahahaha

  14. Jin said:


  15. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    fucking noob holy shit never pick him up

  16. letto said:

    this guy is fucking shit if you get him you might as well get checked for brain tumors

  17. Bona: PMW said:


  18. Collaide said:

    This guy will severly damage your team in terms of availability. He can’t even play on some saturdays like wtf who’d want that

  19. Popcorp said:

    Wat de fuck heb je gewoon verdomd over mij zeggen, jij kleine trut? Ik moet je weet dat ik afgestudeerd top van mijn klas in de Navy Seals, en ik ben betrokken geweest bij tal van geheime invallen op Al-Qaeda, en ik heb meer dan 300 bevestigde kills. Ik ben opgeleid in gorilla oorlog en ik ben de top sluipschutter in de gehele Amerikaanse strijdkrachten. Je bent niets voor mij, maar gewoon een andere doelgroep. Ik zal veeg je de fuck out nauwkeurig de wil van die nog nooit eerder gezien op deze aarde, let op mijn woorden neuken. Je denkt dat je kunt wegkomen met te zeggen dat stront aan mij via het internet? Denk nog eens, klootzak. Als we spreken ik contact mijn geheime netwerk van spionnen in de Verenigde Staten en uw IP wordt momenteel opgespoord, zodat je beter voor te bereiden op de storm, maggot. De storm die veegt de zielige kleine ding je je leven te roepen. Je bent fucking dood, jongen. Ik kan overal, op elk moment, en ik kan je vermoorden in meer dan zevenhonderd manieren, en dat is gewoon met mijn blote handen. Niet alleen ben ik uitvoerig getraind in ongewapend gevecht, maar ik heb toegang tot het hele arsenaal van het United States Marine Corps en ik zal het gebruiken om zijn volle omvang te vegen uw ellendige reet van het gezicht van het continent, kleine stront. Als alleen je zou hebben geweten wat onheilige vergelding je kleine “slimme” opmerking was op het punt om op u neer te halen, misschien zou je verdomde tong gehouden. Maar je kon niet, dat deed je niet, en nu ben je de prijs betalen, je verdomme idioot. Ik zal woede stront over je heen en je zult verdrinken in. Je bent dood neuken, kiddo.

  20. Bona: PMW said:

    @collaide, most of the time fridays not either bitch

  21. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    holyfuckingshit can you stfu?!??!?