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Spy  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

Hungary cuppa

Posted: | Last Online:

I play in a UGC silver currently but i'd like to join an etf2l team top

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:375344000 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined p9's unnamed team [Highlander] p968
Left Shooting Enemy Gamers [Highlander] cuppa
Joined Shooting Enemy Gamers [Highlander] ziggokill

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  1. n1ven: exo. - Fight Club said:

    This guy is a disgrace to the hungarian community! He will do everything to try to sabotage the official match just to get some easy points. He is a liar and he has no dignity or fairness in him.

  2. Nixon: (Head Admin) - HIV+ said:

    Just as n1ven says. We met him in UGC and his team got obliterated into oblivion in both halves. After we won the first half with little to no effort he tried to sabotage the game. First, a 10th player had joined right after we started the 2nd half, then they complained about wrong config when the config was the right one. What a good impression to make at your very first season!

  3. zetsu said:

    Jatszani azt nem tud, helyette masok idejet huzza, meg defwinelni akar egy szaros ugc offit.
    Belem kifordul komolyan.