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DemomanSoldier  High/Prem Skill, 6v6

Germany blub

Posted: | Last Online:

backup spot

add me:)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:70829943 Add Friend

Team History

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Left Germany [National Highlander Team] MARS^
Left Germany [National 6v6 Team] schocky
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Scissors
Joined drückebergers [6v6 Fun Team] clip
Left Da bebt der Uterus ! [6v6 Fun Team] blub
Joined Team Ja! [6v6] dd5f
Left who is? [6v6] blub
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Scissors
Left Mad? [Highlander] blub
Joined Mad? [Highlander] X-Wing
Left ResidentSleeper [Highlander] blub
Joined ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Nik
Left Vier // Green ° Highlander [Highlander] blub
Joined who is? [6v6] feeling
Left unoriginal eSports by TF2Pickup.net [6v6] blub
Joined Vier // Green ° Highlander [Highlander] Chakuza™
Left Team Nein! [Highlander] blub
Joined unoriginal eSports by TF2Pickup.net [6v6] MARS^
Left # [6v6] blub
Joined # [6v6] .kr4tos
Left PARS Я US [6v6] blub
Joined PARS Я US [6v6] toogyboogy
Left who is? [6v6] blub
Joined Germany [National 6v6 Team] basH.
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] schocky
Joined Team Nein! [Highlander] Asaaj
Left Commander Gay and his buttbuddies [Highlander] blub
Joined who is? [6v6] blub
Left vier // red [6v6] blub
Joined vier // red [6v6] blub
Left who is? [6v6] blub
Joined Da bebt der Uterus ! [6v6 Fun Team] blub
Left Jesus-gaming.de [6v6 Fun Team] blub
Joined Jesus-gaming.de [6v6 Fun Team] blub
Joined who is? [6v6] blub
Left Indica [6v6] blub
Joined Indica [6v6] blub
Joined Commander Gay and his buttbuddies [Highlander] blub
Left who is? [6v6] KloolK
Left Commander Gay and his buttbuddies [Highlander] KloolK
Joined who is? [6v6] KloolK
Joined Commander Gay and his buttbuddies [Highlander] KloolK
Joined Blutzbrüdaz [2v2] trollface
Left The Owl Exterminators [Highlander] blub
Joined The Owl Exterminators [Highlander] blub
Left who is? [6v6] blub
Joined who is? [6v6] KloolK
Left n2o injection [6v6] Anakin
Joined s!ckest blowjob [1v1] blub
Joined n2o injection [6v6] blub
Left who is? [6v6] KloolK
Joined who is? [6v6] blub

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  1. cherryrendezvous said:

    the best

  2. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    the best

  3. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    actually really good

  4. profix: FLANK said:

    crazy good demo/sol

    awesome guy too, good luck!

  5. wonszu said:

    best german demo imo, awesome solly too!

  6. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    dont give him a backup spot, so he has to play main somewhere :))))

  7. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    fucking hell this guy PWNS

  8. blub: Ja! said:

    uiii <3 haha

  9. n!k said:

    better than the best

  10. Blooddrunk: Nein said:

    the mge is stronk in this recruitment post

  11. Homer J.: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:

    sickest dm eu <3

    let him farm some medals

  12. blub: Ja! said:


  13. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    HSV Fan :(

  14. Nesh said:

    one of the best punani hunters

  15. inso: itsallgood said:

    best demo HYPA HYPA

  16. blub: Ja! said:


  17. X-Wing said:

    blub blub

  18. dob: \V/ Gold - CGAY&BB said:

    Sick dm, also one of the funniest guys i’ve ever played with.
    10/10 would recommend.

  19. cube said:


  20. blub: Ja! said:

    haha turbotabs der drückt alles weeeg