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Demoman  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

SouthKorea blacky_aq

Posted: | Last Online:

tB orange is dropping couse of personal issues,
anyway looking for div 5 team:
can rollout
serious in games.
fine dm i guess?
can play from 20:00cet-22:00cet everyday exepct of friday.
just have aserver/mumble server and be friendly
please abased teams.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85447185 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left The Nebulae | Sindi Edition [6v6] Rosstisfer
Joined The Nebulae | Sindi Edition [6v6] Rosstisfer
Left Power Rascals [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Power Rascals [6v6] Kay
Left Sit n Go [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined dodgemaster69 [2v2] blacky_aq
Left Joe doesn't want to play :( [2v2] Hallow
Joined Joe doesn't want to play :( [2v2] blacky_aq
Left dodgemaster69 [2v2] blacky_aq
Left grigri [Highlander] Swi
Joined Sit n Go [6v6] blacky_aq
Left aaa [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined aaa [6v6] blacky_aq
Left Crack Clan // Purple [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Crack Clan // Purple [6v6] blacky_aq
Left Blunt Villagers [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined grigri [Highlander] blacky_aq
Left Perilous Gaming: Community Highlander [Highlander] blacky_aq
Joined Blunt Villagers [6v6] blacky_aq
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined dodgemaster69 [2v2] blacky_aq
Left Viva la lan [LAN Team] blacky_aq
Left Rooks! [6v6 Fun Team] blacky_aq
Joined Perilous Gaming: Community Highlander [Highlander] blacky_aq
Left shadow of the skate babies INC. [Highlander] blacky_aq
Joined shadow of the skate babies INC. [Highlander] blacky_aq
Left It's All About The Gibus [Highlander] blacky_aq
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] blacky_aq
Left Team Awesome [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Team Awesome [6v6] blacky_aq
Left Execute.tf2 [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Execute.tf2 [6v6] blacky_aq
Left Farah-esports.org [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined It's All About The Gibus [Highlander] blacky_aq
Left Facepunch UK [Highlander] blacky_aq
Joined Farah-esports.org [6v6] blacky_aq
Left static pandemonium [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined static pandemonium [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Viva la lan [LAN Team] blacky_aq
Left Inspiration? [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Rooks! [6v6 Fun Team] whayay
Joined Facepunch UK [Highlander] Alfie
Left Banned [Highlander] blacky_aq
Joined Banned [Highlander] blacky_aq
Joined Inspiration? [6v6] Pom0
Left History# [6v6] El Chupacabra
Joined History# [6v6] BioS`
Left Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] blacky_aq

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 0 177
View Div 4 0 267
View Div 4 0 127
View Div 4 2 360
View Div 3/Div 4 1 170
View Div 5 0 150
View Div 6 0 150
View Div 5/Div 6 10 358


  1. ninjazz: #WW said:

    Talented Demo (Kaidus as a mentor) and deserves a solid team! Pick him up, he will do very well with the right team!

  2. goodboy: #WW said:

    Good demo, potential for great improvement with mentor and practice.

  3. haimehh: addict! said:

    Good player imo, can handle div6 top not sure about 5, pick him.

  4. t4urus said:

    Good guy can handle d5. Also very friendly and non rages etc.. :P
    בהצלחה עוד יא סוס

  5. t4urus said:

    Good guy can handle d5. Also very friendly and non rages etc.. :P
    בהצלחה עודד יא סוס

  6. exeL: Doj. said:

    מי זה?

  7. Sheepsi: SOAS said:

    good player, very friendly, not rager.

  8. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    very keen player! Is looking to improve alot. Going to go huuj?? Who knows! GL

  9. Barakine: iveR said:

    מבחן good player very friendly non rages

  10. krazko: IDK said:

    very nice guy and keen to improve! pick him up!

  11. ICii: -IM- - PnG.Hl // said:

    Good demo, but a shitty troll.

  12. atmo said:

    relatively strong dm but has a tendency to play apart from the team which can get him caught out

    gl with search, hope you got a new mic by now!

  13. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    Very promising player. Strong DM for how long he’s been playing, and has so much desire and commitment to improving. Deserves a top d5/d4 team.

    Also he’s politest jew I ever knew.

  14. GodOfFail said:

    Blacky is a special player,in my opinion. He has so much knowledge and gamesense for the time he’s playing,and he’s also a modest and a fun person,and I know that even if he will improve and will get a good team,he’ll stay that way,unlike some other idiots that lose it.
    I wish you the best,buddy :D

  15. 187 said:

    nice guy, gl

  16. omrish said:

    swifty and kaidus cmnts on his rec post = auto prem :P
    cool guy, decent skills, fun to play with.
    good luck :)

  17. Alloy: VΛ // said:

    A really good demo that’s also a big fan of kittens.

  18. Deljin: 4SKINGS said:

    nice guy and a good demo, deserves a great team :D

  19. Wiper: idd. said:

    some team trial him :>

  20. ICii: -IM- - PnG.Hl // said:

    4? please

  21. Konnaaa said:

    Very talented and friendly guy ,maybe can push to div4. Pick him fast

  22. Mr Biggles said:

    Good dem and Solly,Pick him

  23. s0rex said:

    very nice guy, good luck
    pick him.

  24. iluminat: *LaC* said:

    Not div4 for sure. but div5 maybe.

  25. benleo said:

    the best shhit you can find today, can handle serious div 5 team

  26. Neep: 1.61803... said:

    Too bad TB orange folded…
    Nice chap to chat with and keen, pick him up fast :)

  27. Barakine: iveR said:

    puked in official LAWL
    just bezhok good guy blacky

  28. blky said:

    tyy everyone.

  29. haimehh: addict! said:

    he puked in offcial game eksdididididididididi

  30. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    Excellent player, friendly guy, and a really good addition to any team! Pick him up!

  31. xTimeE: Doj. said:

    pro player
    סתם נוב :D

  32. wnk1ee said:

    by far not div 4 , can handle div 5 easily

  33. Socky: RG-eSports said:

    Shit mic but his dm will make up for it
    Didnt really play with him much so i cant really say anything else.

  34. blky said:

    ^^ ty, i should get anew mic in the next few days.

  35. kasabubu said:

    great guy , he is ready to work and improve , and will hendle easy with 6 – low 5 teams – with the right team he should make it to the top d5 in no-time
    love ya

  36. blky said:

    kasaaaaa bro <3

  37. Yarzz said:

    overrate much?
    can handle div 6 top.

  38. GodOfFail said:

    nah,he has gotten better. maybe not div 4 but definitely div 5.