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DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSoldierSpy  Open Skill, Highlander

European Black L0tus

Posted by aiden: | Last Online:

We are a division 6 team currently competing in season 8 of highlander, we are looking for mains in the selected groups and subs for all except demoman and spy :)
Must haves:
-Be active
-Be friendly
-Have mumble
-Good team working skills

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Open 1 485
View Open/Mid 0 226
View Open/Mid 16 638
View Prem 16 524


  1. Julianator: KotO said:

    I have much comp experience with Spy and also Med, my friend plays good Soldier, you can add me in steam: [1teGarde] Julianator and my friend: AtomicRobot

  2. RealBladegod: CCFS said:

    I main pyro played 6v6 but wanna play highlander im willing to tryout

  3. Hannibal The Snowman said:

    I have a decent amount of tf2center experience, and i main Medic. I’d love to join your beautiful team :3

  4. Alucard: TMH said:

    I can sub Medic/Soldier if needed c: add me if interested

  5. YOU_GOT_DEAD said:

    I am willing to join this team.
    I play best as engineer.
    But I am also good at playing as demo, scout, medic, and pyro.
    I enjoy playing on a devoted and organized team.
    Add me if interested.

  6. Drunk SPEE said:

    HI i am Drunk
    i am a Scout main and i a willing to play i have some comp experience
    i am available most time
    i have mumble
    and i am also very friendly
    plz add me if you would like me on ur team as ur main scout :P
    use my ult account

  7. Fyro said:

    Hello Black Lotus. I am Fyro.

    I am a Soldier main but have some eXperience with Pyro and a bit of Demoman as well. i am willing to spend time with this team and evolve as a player and also as a team. I would of course prefer to be main since i love playing the game. (4 years as my favorite game, still counting.)
    I know English, but my pronunciation is a bit off sometimes. I have Mumble and I’m available 5 hours a day except weekends where i am available at all times.

    if you pick me ill gladly help out in the next season and on scrims and lobbies.

  8. Hopkins said:


    If you still need a scout thats my main. Over 500 lobbies
    and various mix/mercs for up to div2/3.

    Add me – RADD – (LFT HL)

  9. MetalMan said:

    Having not hit puberty, plus never having actually played real competitive before, it would be a real honour (I’m british/scottish, for the record) for this to be my first real team.

    I can play Scout, Soldier and Engie, so I’m fairly flexible, with decent experience (particularly Solly and Scoot) with all three. I can’t give definite times when I’m availible but I can let you know beforehand whether or not I can play again.

    Add me – UberMan

  10. Saltrock said:

    I’m looking to play Pyro. I have 146 lobbies and counting with 1300 approximate hours on TF2. I’m speak fluent English and I’m from England. I understand highlander and I’m willing to improve as a team and as a player plus I can give and receive constructive criticism. I haven’t had previous experience in a team unfortunately but this is were I want to start. I can play other classes if I need to to (excluding sniper), for example, I was originally about to main spy for a team until they disbanded. I have Mumble and Teamspeak (although i prefer mumble). I am mature for my age (14) and I’m not a squeaker even if I do say so myself. I’m available most of the time, afternoons to the night mainly at GMT. If I’ve missed anything out I’ll tell you.

  11. Hellfeet said:

    I want to join in your team as playing spy
    if you want to check me add in steam
    STEAM PROFILE: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086986319/

  12. Yelpi said:

    Hello, My name is Yelpi I`m from Norway and I would really appreciate to join your team. I`m new to the TF2 comp. scene and would love to gain experience from being a part of your team. I`m a scout main and can if needed play Solider or spy.I Speak English fluently and I have Mumble if that is needed.
    Here is a link to my profile and I hope to hear from you soon.


  13. Unknown_Penguin said:

    Hello, I’m Wilson, but more know as Unknown_Penguin. I got 850 hours of tf2 on this acc. and over 1000+ on another one.

    I would like to join as Pyro main

    Got comp experience and have played a couple of tf2 center matches aswell

    Got mumble, skype and time to play aswell! :)

    Contact me if you’re intrested: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096299803/

  14. Zack Fair: STACK said:

    I would like to join pyro
    i am main pyro
    U can add me and i can do trails every time

  15. Zack Fair: STACK said:


  16. Sheodar said:

    I would like to join your team as a scout or as a soldier.
    I main scout but sometimes I play soldier for fun.
    You can add me if you want to talk about it.