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ScoutSniper  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Bulgaria Bl00dSmoKer

Posted: | Last Online:

I am fairly new to competitive, but I'm not new to the game. I mainly play mixes and pickups. My dm is decent and my gamesense is ''OK''. I need to improve and I hope I do it in a future team. I am looking for a Div 6 team with polite and tolerant people.

What can you expect in return?
Skill, respect, punctuallity, fluent english, every form of communication, politeness.

Feel free to trial me at any time. – Bl00dSmoKer

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:117909356 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left prtyboiz [6v6] shank
Joined prtyboiz [6v6] Bl00dSmoKer
Left The Nebulae | Sindi Edition [6v6] Bl00dSmoKer
Joined The Nebulae | Sindi Edition [6v6] Bl00dSmoKer

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View Div 6 0 36


  1. clip: ist doof said:

    smokes blood

  2. yak said:

    Good DM, occasionally gets a little too confident of his dm abilities but overall a good player.

    He’s really keen and would be a great pickup for any div 6 team aiming on winning their division.

  3. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    Nice guy and good scout, would be very effective in div6.

  4. Bl00dSmoKer said:

    Thx :)

  5. BnB: pλ. said:

    can handle d6 easily

  6. JoKOR: CoCo said:


  7. JoKOR: CoCo said:

    Good scout, definately deserves a trail.

  8. omnibombulator: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    He will smoke everyone with his skill

    I guess


  9. Phnx: kZk said:

    Really fun to play with on mixes, he can do better than most d6 scouts and deserves a nice home.

  10. Bl00dSmoKer said:

    Thanks ;)

  11. baimezan: [N☼J] said:

    On a mix I played with him he basically maincalled for us as a scout. Plus had better deathmatch than me. Plus probably had better gamesense than me.

  12. Arjax: (Kappa Ambassador) said:

    mix’d with this guy many times, good DM and game sense, has smoked my blood in most matches we played against each other

  13. Yo Momma said:

    He’s a good scout I guess. An even better sniper, that’s his best offclass. Don’t let him be solly though, he can’t rocket jump even if his mother had a dirrhea gun to her head.

    I’d recommend him, he’s a good puppy!!

  14. Bl00dSmoKer said:

    I canz rockit junmp laiar! (@_@)

  15. Noamigo said:

    seems like an extremely safe div 6 pickup

  16. Bl00dSmoKer said:

    Still looking for a team T_T.

  17. cyber said:

    One of the best snipers I’ve been against, so get him before anyone else does :D

  18. Bl00dSmoKer said:


  19. General CaspeR: YH said:

    loves azis
    wouldnt recommend opening any youtube links he sends you
    above all great player, probably got even better by now, pick him up!