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Soldier  Open Skill, Highlander

Denmark biscuiteer

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steam tag: biscuiteer

age: 17

experience: 1770 hours of tf2 with little comp experience

location: denmark

class: soldier, medic

hi! i'm biscuiteer, and i'm looking for a highlander team!
i'm fluent in english with a slight danish accent, though that shouldn't be a problem!
i'm a friendly guy if i say so myself and i love to play
i have quiet a capable machine with a 144Hz monitor if that should be of interest.
a good machine is ofcourse not a substitute for skill and good game sense
which i like to think i have. i'm also anything but busy at the time since i'm transfering
to a new college next year and is pretty much doing fuckall for the rest of the year.

i have skype, ts3 and mumble for so communication shouldn't be a problem

if you need a soldier and think i would make a good addition to your team hit me up!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:66622168 Add Friend

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Left HE IS IRISH HAHAH XDDD [Highlander] ducky
Joined HE IS IRISH HAHAH XDDD [Highlander] ducky
Left The Joey Salads Appreciation Club [Highlander] biscuiteer
Joined The Joey Salads Appreciation Club [Highlander] Klin
Joined Overwatch [6v6] ducky

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