ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicScoutSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European BIG Team

Posted by FrankTheTank: | Last Online:

Ah, there you are. Lets get down to business.

So we are the BIG team, and we are in search of some players (duh). A couple of us played other classes and fancied trying out different ones in lower divisions and make TF2 fun (lolwat).

To the point you say?

We're looking for a medic primarily who can play div 5/4 level and a scout the same level who'd be interested. Looking for soldier triallists too but the other two are of bigger concern.


Good Comms
Can heal people
Can Uber / Kritz
Can understand Scottish & Irish team mates
Have a brain
Patience (you'd be playing d5 after all, without patience you might die through rage)
Ability to take constructive criticism
No rage


Decent DM
Brain (hahahaha scout with brain he says)
Good movement
No rage
Good comms


Good DM
Protect Medic
No rage
Dont just suicide all the time

All Positions will require you to play sun – thurs from 20:00 CET

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  1. SiTeHBu0mbb: DOWN said:

    I have the skype, is that also good?

    Also the running i can do rely fast with scout and know rolling the way out.

    pleaes to trial?

  2. NaturalProduct said:

    Hello, you can look at my recruitment post, or just add my steam to talk with me ;)

  3. rhys said:

    hey im 15 years old played medic since i started the game i think im ready for a team so hopefully you will choose me thanks
    imn sure to trial for you or if you want to talk to me add me on steam thanks rhys

  4. Aylonwee said:

    hi. im good to sub for you guys if you need an extra man. played med at div 4 before, also pretty decent at soldier. add me if interested and we’ll discuss tis over a manly pint of ale. (p.s im irish therefore will have no problem with comms B)

  5. Cortalus Horridus: BRIT said:

    i can go medic if you want to trial me that is fine add me or message me if interested.

  6. IcemanHotty: ML said:

    I am Polish, my English is good, maybe not in normal talks but when i am telling info it is.
    I was playing many pcw’s lobbies, mixes, doublemixex, officials and i know how to play soldier(roamer,pocket)
    I am playing tf2 for 2 years.
    I would like to play with team with some plans for the future.
    i have over 3000h in tf2