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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Bennett

Posted: | Last Online:

Right I'm Bennett, I'm from Surrey England, I may be older than most at 27 years of age but that does not mean i cannot have some fun. I'm looking to find a serious, English speaking TF2 team in minimum high div4 with the outlook of progressing to div 3 within a season. Whilst my team history may not look fantastic I have merc/played with Pentia(Devil's Rejects) on many occasions in the past. (thank you loco ;)) and consider I have a good understanding of the higher divisions style of play.

I mainly play pocket soli, but this does not mean i cannot play roaming on a short leash. ;)

From the team I expect:
– Easy people to get on with(would like to have a laugh/chat whilst not playing)
– Commiment to play/improve(I can play every night, but will be on later on a Friday and a Sunday for obvious pub commitments)
– Rage is expected but please keep to a minimum
– Good Comms
– Good Understanding of tactics/higher div style play
– Regular Practice Sessions, going over tactics.

Give me a shout on steam should you be interested.


Bennett ;)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:14786597 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Grr! [6v6] Benito
Joined Team Grr! [6v6] Bennett
Left Who The Hell Are We? [6v6] Bennett
Joined Who The Hell Are We? [6v6] Chaplain
Left 81 TeaM [6v6] Bennett
Joined 81 TeaM [6v6] Xabi
Left 81. TeaM [6v6] Xabi
Joined 81. TeaM [6v6] Xabi
Left Solidarity [6v6] Bennett
Joined Solidarity [6v6] Bennett
Left Whats in the boX? Squad 3 [6v6] Bennett
Joined Whats in the boX? Squad 3 [6v6] Benito
Left Voices Of Independence [6v6] Bennett
Joined Crossfire [6v6 Fun Team] Tricky
Joined GM Highlander [Highlander] Waebi
Joined Voices Of Independence [6v6] Myke.

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  1. Anathema said:

    Have played with bennett for the past two years.
    His past teams have never done his ability justice.
    He’s one of the nicest people you can think of.
    Div3 and a guy you want to have on your team for sure ;)

  2. Loco: Mayo said:

    Bennett played quite a few games for me a season ago and he actually had a lot of potential,
    i think he is a really nice guy great attitude good coms and plays at high div3 standard probably could play div2 if he had the right team,
    gluck in your search

  3. Energyyy said:

    Fantastic guy and a fantastic player, you need this guy because he has the potential to do really well. Good luck, mate!

  4. troot: -9m- - DStS said:

    A top quality guy and a model of consistency.
    Really deserves a good team. Good luck.